Contest 21 {Closed}

164 14 14

This is for phantasyra

Anything in bold is a must on your cover anything with a * is important.

*Type: Book Cover

Title: Jewel Graphics

Subtitle: None or make one up


Genre: Random

Mood: Light

*Other: Maybe jewels or something that is related to the title.

*Deadline: 6 pm, January 10th, 2018 (MST)

*Note: I won't be there as often as usual, so it will take a while to put entries up. Please tag phantasyra as well so that she can see the entries, as  I am unable to put them up at the moment due to the holidays. I can but not as often so please do. thanks!

Graphic Contests! {Closed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang