Contest 21 - Results

49 8 6

Tied Place - Honourable Mentions


This cover has a really nice, fresh, and simple look to it that I personally like

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This cover has a really nice, fresh, and simple look to it that I personally like. Good job!



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I like the picture you used so much! Good job!

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I like the picture you used so much! Good job!

3rd Place


The graphics and font used here are spot-on! The only downside to it was that my username is spelled wrong, but that's okay

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The graphics and font used here are spot-on! The only downside to it was that my username is spelled wrong, but that's okay. Great job!

2nd Place


This is an absolute masterpiece

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This is an absolute masterpiece. I love the blending and everything. It's just so pleasing to look at. Great job!

1st Place


It actually took me long to decide but I chose this one in the end

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It actually took me long to decide but I chose this one in the end. I love the look and the simplicity in this and I think that because my graphics are mostly simple, this one fits my portfolio the best. Congrats!

Thank you so so much to everyone who entered! All your entries were really great and I applaud you for that.


All opinions and things said are from phantasyra

Congratulations everyone, thanks for joining!

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