Dear White Women

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Dear White Women,

You have been tricked into believing that your alabaster skin is superior to the golden-brown pigment covering my body. They said my kinky hair, which grows towards the heavens like the sunflowers do, is hideous. But your thin and flowy hair that cascades past your shoulders towards hell is beautiful. The full lips and wide hips my ancestors gave me are only desirable when you wear them. The fragile womanhood that they have created for you is the brick wall standing in the way of my progress. I am a woman too but we still aren't equal. This thing they call race is what holds me captive while you soar amongst eagles. I don't hate you. I hate them for brainwashing you. They've made you believe that the absence of color is what makes you better than me. And until you step down from the pedestal they've placed you on, we will never see eye to eye. 


This Black Woman

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