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by Jasmine

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by Jasmine

Y'alls' fave is dead and, quite frankly, I'm unbothered. I am, however, bothered by the lengths y'all will go to make me feel sorry that an abusive homophobe was killed. 

I want to start by saying that the way XXXTentacion died is unfortunate and I don't agree with posting a video of his dead body online. Also, you can't wish death on someone who is already dead. Finally, I'm not celebrating his death, I just don't care enough to be sad about it. 

The Florida rapper was killed on June 18, 2018 and the internet was never the same. People will really go hard for their favorite rappers but I'm not one of those people. In my work called Art vs Artist, I talk about being a fan of X but making the decision to longer support him after reading about his past and the allegations. His death had no affect on me because I'm not a fan. I have no emotional attatchment to that man. Mourning is a choice, not a requriement so don't go around telling people that they lack empathy for choosing to not be sad about XXX dying. 

False equivalencies, victim blaming, and excuses are the main tactics used by XXXTentacion fans to paint the rapper as a saint which isn't the case at all.  So let's get into it.

Following X's death rapper Jidenna tweeted the following:

For those who are so woke that their compassion is asleep, remember this... if Malcolm X was killed at the age of 20, he would have died an abuser, a theif, an addict, and a narrow-minded depressed & violent criminal. So, I believe in change for the young.

For those who don't know, a false equivalency involves using a shared trait between two subjects to make them seem equivalent when they are not. In this case the shared traits include abuse and a criminal past but Malcolm X died at 39 not 20. And I'm pretty sure X wasn't killed for his beliefs so let's stop trying to make him into a martyr. 

Everybody has things in their past that they aren't proud of and I do believe that, to an extent, people can change. But when people die, all we have to remember them by is what they left behind. It is possible to acknowledge Malcolm X's troubled past while also celebrating the strides he made towards black liberation. 

Saying that XXXTentacion was "changing" or claiming that "death is the reason he wasn't able to reach his full potiential" is ridiculous. For one, there's no guarentee that X would've ever changed so let's save the what ifs. Also, death doesn't mean that we should forget about that person's wrongs. 

Now, let's talk about the victim blaming that XXX fans love to do. I am fully aware that these are all allegations but I read the young lady's deposition and I do not belive that she was lying. I actually feel bad for her since she'll never get her day in court. 

Bringing up X's mental state whenever abuse allegations are brought up is actually quite funny considering the fact that no one ever takes victims' mental health into consideration. Just imagine how mentally draining it can be to put up with abuse for so many years and then when you finally get the courage to leave and go to police, your abuser's fame is growing. Then, when you tell your story, you're blamed, harassed, and shamed. Her forgiving X and showing up to his funeral doesn't make what he did alright. 

Also, using XXX's depression or other mental issues as excuses for his abusive behavior plays into the stereotype that people battling mental illnesses are violent and destructive which isn't always the case. 

XXX donating money to domestic violence programs doesn't mean that he changed either. First of all, giving money to charity means you get a tax write off. Secondly, him donating money could've just been to get people off his back. I honestly believe that if it was genuine, nobody would know that he'd been doing this work. But who am I to say whether or not someone is being genuine. All I know is that doing a couple good things shouldn't automatically erase all the bad things.

For those who are painting XXXTentacion as a messiah are most centainly mistaken. This is a man who detailed beating up a gay man for simply looking at him. He responded to the allegations by saying, "Everybody that called me a domestic abuser, I'm going to domestically abuse y'all little sisters' p**** from the back." He has also glorified Dylan Roof and believed that systematic oppression is over. 

And one more thing, when you play with death, eventually death is going to catch up. Tweeting "next time make sure you kill me so I can't talk s***," then being killed is sort of ironic. 

All in all, it's unfortunate that XXXTentacion was killed so young but death doesn't mean he deserves to be praised and applauded because he most definitely wasn't a good guy. So saying that someone lacks empathy or has low morals because they're choosing to not mourn some sexist, homophobic, abusive rapper is actually very stupid. XXX is dead so all we have to talk about is what he left behind and what he has left behind certaintly isn't worth applauding. 

Here are 2 articles that I got some of my informaation from if you're curious.

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