Kanye Kardashian West

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by Jasmine

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by Jasmine

This is long over due but, I couldn't care less about Kanye West has to say about anything. I'm not a fan, never was a fan, and never will be a fan, so this has nothing to do with any of the nonsensical things that came out that man's mouth. I do, however, want to address the responses that many celebrities and regular folk had. 

Snoop Dogg has been very vocal about his feelings towards West's recent comments. On The View, Snoop Dogg said, "[Kanye West] truly misses a black woman in his life." Snoop also posted a quote on Instagram that said, "The evolution of Jay Z and Kanye show you how influential your wife can be to your life."

Ebro Darden, a radio host, tweeted, "Is there a Black Woman willing to give Kanye a hug? A hug from a Black Woman can save your life...."

 Ebro and Snoop's comments pretty much sum up the sentiments that were the most common on social media, in regards to West. Everyone has pretty much placed the blame on Kim Kardashian and suggest that all Kanye needs is a hug from a black woman and he'll be alright.

I do belive Kardashian is an enabler to some of Kanye's shenanagains. I mean she did tweet "I'll always ride for my man." But placing all the blame on her seems like a bit much. Kanye is her husband not her son. He is a grown man who needs to be held accountable for what he says. What goes on in their unseasoned household is their business.

My issue with the entire situation is the fact that black women are being dragged into it. Suggesting that Kanye is acting out because there is no black woman in his life is ridiculous and highlights the burden constantly placed on black women.

From maintaining a household to organizing marches and igniting change. From being the storytellers to the most educated group in America, black women are the strongest people I know. For centuries, black women have been the backbone of the community while dealing with the evils of racism and sexism amongst other oppressive institutions.

It's black women who go out their way to protect the black men who will turn around and spew misogynoir.

Stop placing the burden of saving lives on black women. Yall want black women to run around in capes saving any and everybody, from confused rappers to white liberals. So how about you go hug him.

i started writing this months ago but lost interest so its unfinished but i still wanted to share it.✨

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