Chapter 1

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You ran as fast as you can to reach the airport. It was pouring and a thunderstorm was approaching.
You and your friend Sumin reached the airport and got inside. Hundreds of people were standing ,sitting or even laying there. A bit confused about all of those people you went to the information and asked for your flights.

Man: Im sorry but because of the thunderstorm all the flights were cancelled. We can't say how long you have to wait. Just search for a place somewhere and try to rest.

You: Ok... Thank you...

You two searched for some free space somewhere but the only space you found was on the ground.

Sumin: Well, seems as we have to deal with the floor.

You: Yeah...

You both laughed and sat down.

You where tired and annoyed. You didn't want your holidays in Korea to end like this.

Sumin: I think I will try to sleep. Wake me up if there's something new.

You: Alright.

You took out your phone to call your mom.

Mom: Hey y/n, how are you?

You: Hey mom. Fine I think. But I won't return home today.

Mom: Why not? Did something happen?

You: Yes, there is a thunderstorm. All the flights were cancelled. We have to wait now.

Mom: Oh no, that sounds bad. Well then, try to get some rest.

You: Yeah, I'll try to sleep now.

Mom: Goodnight. Call me if there are new information.

You: Sure. Goodnight.

You hung up and laid yourself next to Sumin. Then you fell asleep.

The Thunderstorm [EXO Xiumin FF]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora