Chapter 4

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The sun was shining into your room and you woke up. It was 8 o'clock so you decided to get up and prepare breakfast as you said yesterday.

On your way into the kitchen you noticed someone sitting on the couch in the living room.
You got in and recognized, you hadn't met this person before.

You: Good morning. I'm Y/n, we don't know each other yet.

The person looked up.

Xiumin: Xiumin. I'm the owner of the bed you slept in.

He smirked.

You: You... oh... I thought you were on a trip... I'm sorry...

Xiumin: Hey, it's fine. Don't worry. It's not your fould.

You: Okay then...

Xiumin: What were you about to do?

You: Prepare breakfast.

Xiumin: I'll help you.

You: Oh, thanks.

He stood up and both of you went into the kitchen.

Xiumin: Let's make pancakes.

You: Great idea.

He took the ingedients and you started cooking.

Xiumin: So, you're not from Korea, right?

You: No, I'm from America. Sumin and me spent our holidays here.

Xiumin: Good choice.

He grinned.

Xiumin: Do you like it?

You: Oh yes. I will defenetly come back. But it's so different to America.

Xiumin: That's true.

You: You were in America?

Xiumin: Yes, we had a concert there.

You: Concert? You are a musician?

Xiumin: They didn't told you?

You: No.

Xiumin: Together with Chen and Baekhyun we are CBX.

You: Oh, I didn't know. But what's about Chanyeol?

Xiumin: He is kind of our manager and he produces the songs.

You: That's pretty cool. I'm sorry that I never heard of you guys.

Xiumin: Don't worry. We are more known in Korea.

You: Ah, okay.

You started setting the table as Chanywol came in.

Chanyeol: Good m- ... Xiumin? Why are you here? And since when?

Xiumin: Good morning. I arrived yesterday night.

Chanyeol: Uhm...Ok...

Xiumin: Breakfast is ready!

Chanyeol: Yes.. I'll wake up Baek.

Condused he left the kitchen.

You: I will wake up Sumin.

He nodded and you left the kitchen aswell.
You knocked onto Sumin's door and opend it slowly.
To your surprise she wasn't sleepig anymore.

You: Huh? You're not sleeping anymore?

Sumin: Oh, good morning Y/n. No, but you know what? I can fly back home today!!

You: Great!! So that means the airport is in use again?

Sumin: Not all the flights. You have to wait longer...

You: Wait what? That means you leave me alone here?

Sumin: Sorry...

She hugged you and you sighed deeply.

You: Do you know for how long I have to wait?

She shook her head.

Sumin: Let's eat breakfast. I bet this is the reason why you came in? It smells so good.

You: Yeah, you're right. We made pancakes.

You went into the kitchen.

Baekhyun: Good morning, ladys. Slept well?

You both nodded.

Xiumin: Of cause she slept well in my bed.

He winked.

Sumin: Your bed?

Xiumin: Yes, Y/n slept in my bed.

Sumin: Oh, then you mist be Xiumin, right?

Xiumin: Exactly.

Sumin: I thought you'll return in a few days?

Xiumin: I thought that aswell. But my trip was over earlier. Chen will return this evening.

Sumin: Oh, that's fine. I'll fly back home today. My flight leaves at 12 o'clock.

Chanyeol: Huh? Only you? Do you tale different flights?

You: Yes... but I don't know when my flight starts. They still don't know.

Baekhyun: You can stay here for longer. I wouldn't mind.

Chanyeol: Me neither. You're welcome here.

You: Thank you. But I don't want to claim Xiumin bed any longer.

Baekhyun: You can take my bed instead.

Chanyeol: And where will you sleep then?

Baekhyun: In your bed?

He smirked.

Chanyeol: Huh?

Xiumin giggled but tried to hide it.

Chanyeol: What's so funny?

Xiumin: Ah, nothing...

After you all finished breakfast Xiumin and you cleaned the dishes, Sumin packed her stuff and Chanyeol and Baekhyun went into the studio to work.

Xiumin: I guess you want to bring Sumin to the airport?

You: Yeah, how long does it take to go there?

Xiumin: 10 minutes.

You: By foot?

Xiumin: I'll drive you there.

You: Don't you have to work with Chanyeol and Baekhyun?

Xiumin: No. We already recorded all of my parts.

You: Ah, I see. Well if you don't mind, it would be nice if you drive us.

Xiumin: I don't mind. Would I ask else?

He laughed.
You noticed how dumb your question was and laufhed aswell.

Xiumin: Okay then. Just tell me when you guys are ready to leave.

He placed the last plate into the cupboard.
He smiled plancing his hand on your shoulder while leaving the kitchen.

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