Chapter 7

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The next day you woke up. The weather was nice and the first thought that popped up into your mind was Xiumin. You were excited what he had planned for today.
You streched yourself and checked you phone.
But then you saw, that your flight leaves today. At 4pm.
At this moment you couldn't say what you felt. Of cause you wanted to be back home. To see you family and friends. But somehow you didn't want to leave because of Xiumin.
The thought you probably won't see him again hurted in your chest.
You let out a deep sigh and stood up to see if anyone is awake, yet. And it was. Your heart jumped seeing him.

Gosh, Y/n! What's wrong with you?

Xiumin was sitting in the kitchen. He looked kinda sad.

You: Good morning, Xiumin.

~Xiumin's POV~

I wasn't able to sleep long, because I always thought of Y/n and what I'll do toghether with her.
I went into the kitchen and took out my phone to search for some ideas, but I couldn't find anything good.
Now just a wonder can help.

Y/n: Good morning, Xiumin.

She entered the kitchen.

Xiumin: Good morning.

Y/n: Is everything alright? You look sad.

Xiumin: No, everything is great.

No it's not...

I smiled at her to make her believe.

Y/n: Okay...

Then she sat down in front of me.

Y/n: Hey, Xiumin...My flight leaves today, 4pm...

Xiumin: Today? So, that means we can't do anything together...

Y/n: I'm sorry...

Xiumin: Hey, it's not your fould.

If this is the wonder I asked for, then... Thanks god??

Xiumin: But there's still some time left 'til 4pm. We can go to the park or something.

Y/n: That's a great idea.

~Your POV~

You liked the idea of being alone with Xiumin.

After breakfast you took a quick shower and got dressed.
You packed your stuff. You don't have to do it later, then.
When you were finished you entered the living room to meet Xiumin.

You: I'm ready!

Xiumin: Great!

He stood up and gave you a big smile, which you replied.

Xiumin: Let's go then.

Both of you went out of the house and headed off to the park.

You: Wow, it's beautiful here!

You looked around. There were many cherry blossom trees, a lake and a big fountain in the middel of the park.

Xiumin: Right? That's were I meet with my friends all the time.

Xiumin: Speaking of the devil.

He laughed.

Xiumin: Well then I'll introduce them to you.

You: Okay.

You were excited to meet his friends. You were curious how they are.

Xiumin guided you to the soccer field were a group of boys was playing.
A tall boy recognized him and waved.

The Thunderstorm [EXO Xiumin FF]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang