The End?

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The children have been so nice but a bit of some fighters since Yonji will fight with everybody for a bedtime story. Sanji will fight but in a mumble on who will cook with me. And Niji would fight on what chocolate we should eat and what shape it should be. And Ichiji would be the cuddles that he will want to fall asleep while his brothers wait in line.

The days passed so quickly until one day Sanji dint come back and the fights were the same but Sanji wasn't my cooking buddy for that day or even the next or even the day after that. Until Judge announce him dead and that was what shocked me, that day I cried and didn't smile and the kids got worried and I had a girl date with Mistress Reiju but

 Until Judge announce him dead and that was what shocked me, that day I cried and didn't smile and the kids got worried and I had a girl date with Mistress Reiju but

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 I only smile a bit and fell asleep by myself on my room while not noticing the kids getting angry at the poor jailed up Sanji. Since it seemed he was the one that took my attention away.

(Y/n) was making her rounds until she saw Sanji and Reiju and Sanji had tears in his eyes. An alarm burst through the speakers and the gates open but (Y/n) ignore it and followed the Master and the Mistress. They found themselves outside and saw that Master Sanji was running away while Mistress Reiju stood there crying and (Y/n) walked to her and asked her "what was going on?" she only replied "I'm going back to the ship" and at that moment accident shot were made on their directions. 

And since Mistress Reiju is still weak and her endoskeleton is still getting used to her body. I carried her to the ship and tried my best to avoid the bullets before I was hit in my left leg. And we were getting closer to the ship but I knew I wasn't going to make it without Mistress getting hurt so I threw her to one of the guards that were taking Yonji, Ichiji and Niji inside of the ship. They had relieved faces but when they saw my shotted leg they got shocked and were about to run but were held back by at least 6-7 people but the moment didn't last long when a cannonball was shot and I used my last of my willpower and threw it up. But another one was shot and it went through me but as I did to the last one I send it up so the ship didn't get hurt. I ignore the pain and started walking to the group, the guards let go of the children and Yonji, Reuji, Ichiji, and Niji came running to my short distance while having tears in their eyes. I smiled and said "love you too but I'm a bit tired so do you mind if I fall asleep for a bit" that brought, even more, tears to their eyes "(Y/N) I COMMAND YOU TO STAY AWAKE" WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IS THE DOCTOR WE NEED HIM RIGHT NOW" but my eyelids were closing. "Master Yonji, Ichiji and Niji and eevenSanji and Mistress Reiju im sorry but i have to disobey that command". A gentle smile was put on(Y/n) face were she looked like she was sleeping but they knew what will happen next, she will never wake up like every morning. Making them breakfast, giving them a shower, playing games, being told bedtime stories or even cuddles and the worst out of this is losing the love that she gave them.

That same time was when Judge picked up the kids and left the body of a dear beloved (Y/n) burn with the flames that were brought upon the fight. The Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji tried to reach for (Y/n) and be able to take her but the grip of Judge was way too strong. And Reiju gripped on her Father and cried like never before.

"Why did she had to die?"

After that day the children tried to find her thinking that she was alive but more Reiju since she was what she had left from Sanji. Since (Y/n) was there when she put makeup and dressed up Sanji

When he was hurt she was the first one to help him and give her love that she always got from her Mother

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When he was hurt she was the first one to help him and give her love that she always got from her Mother. And she was the first one to make him smile and teach her how to cook and fight. The boys of the family went to her bedroom and slept on her bed thinking that one day she will come to her bed and find them under the covers before making herself comfortable to sleep with them.

This went on for 10 Months

10 Months that Judge went looking for a new maid but each one of them didn't replace (Y/n). And the kids took their anger on the maid while Reiju just drank her tea and read some books while crying herself to sleep.


Almost done and inspiration came when Reiju did help Sanji escape



Dark out

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