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so sorry that this part is boring, and a bit depressing.. you can skip it if you want but i wanted you to know her background 

"everyone in the else in the room can see it, everyone else but you.." Ugh. Why is there songs like this in the world? Everyone knows they aren't true. I turn off the radio as i drive home from school. Why do i have to be like this? why do i have to be me? I only have 1 friend. He is my everything. His name is Travis. I swear to god he is the only person who ever talks to me. I don't like him in any other way than friends though. don't get me wrong, he is pretty hot. But no one would every want to date me. Not. Even. Him. At least hes there for me though in my time of needs. I don't talk to anyone other than Travis, and they don't talk to me either. Not even my sister or parents. I bet they wouldn't care if i killed myself right now. In fact, they would probably be happy or even grateful if i did. Even Travis has other friends than me. When i get home i go strait to my room like always. has no new notifications, has no new notifications. has no new notifications. Not even strangers on the Internet like me. i don't even know what i did wrong! I bet its because when i was little i didn't like the same things and songs that they did. When i was little everyone loved Jessie McCartney and Aaron Carter. Again, with the feel good songs putting everyone in happy moods. No. That's not how life works. When you listen to a happy feel good song it doesn't magically turn you into a princess. I don't get the point. Now what i find every teenage girl is listening to is One Direction. Every single girl thinks that when they meet One Direction, they will fall in live with her. Guess what girls, this is reality. Why should i get myself thinking something that will never happen. If i EVER meet One Direction, i think i would rather slap them in the face than actually  talk to them.  After i finished my homework for the day, I grabbed my pocket knife and started my now nightly routine. *slit* *slit* and i cried. I will never be loved. 

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