Chapter 5

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I watch at a loss for words as Louis drives away. What the hell just happened? I let out a giggle and fist pump the air as soon as i can's see his car anymore. He likes me! He really does! Out of all the screaming girls out there that he can pick he picks me. Louis Tomlinson likes me. At least i think he does, because if he didnt then why would he kiss me? At least for a little while I will let myself believe that   I can actually have a chance with him. 


*Next day in school*

As soon as I walk through the double doors I can hear people talking. Not just normal conversations like I hear every morning though; they are talking about me. 

…..“How was Louis last night Emialy?”

….. “Eww how would someone as gorgeous as Louis Tomlinson ever like someone as ugly as Emialy Polsh?”

Everyone had something to say about me. How much did they know about Louis and I? I just stand there with my mouth wide open.  I don’t even notice who grabs my hand and pulls me into the bathroom. 


I haven’t spoken to him for a couple days. 

“Emialy what the hell happened? Is it true about you and some guy from One Direction? I thought you hated them! Tell me whats going on and why you never told me anything! I cant believe this I thought we were friends!”

Typical Travis. Of course he would do this to me now. 

“ Travis I… I was going to tell you but I didn’t know how. Your always with Terri! You never gave me a chance!” 

“So it is true then..” He is hurt. Ouch..

“yes, its true. How did you find out? How did everyone find out?” 

He leads me to the Library where he goes on the internet. 

“Oh my god.”


I look at the picture of us kissing last night. It was taken behind a bush. Just my luck. 

Just then some girls walk in. I hear them in mid conversation before they spot me:

“I don’t know what she did to him.” 

“She probably put some type of drug or something in his food.”

“Then she raped him. There’s no way even with drugs that he would ever kiss her”

“I wonder what he will do to her now. Probably sue or….”  

They see me now. Travis just takes my hand and leads me out so they don’t have to see me cry.  How could people be so cruel? 

“Listen Emialy, whatever is going on with you and him I will support it ok?”


I am surprised. I didn’t expect him to actually be this nice to me after I didn’t tell him about Louis. 

“Ya. that’s what friends are for right? Ill go tell everyone that it was a fake photo and there’s nothing going on ok? You just go home and rest ok? Its been a hell of a morning.”

“Thanks Travis. You’re the best!” 

With that being said I just walk out the doors, and leave.  I don’t want to go home though. The thought of someone taking that picture behind my bush freaked me out. I decide on texting Louis.

To Louis: 

Hey something freaky just happened. Can we hang out today? 

From Louis:

Sure babe. Ill pick you up at your house in 5? 

To Louis:

Sounds great :)

Even though I am reluctant about going back home, I go anyways. Lucky for me he pulls into the driveway right after I do. I make sure to check behind the bush before even acknowledge that he is even there . You know, for safety measures?  I greet him with a peck on the cheek. He replies by opening the door to the black van.  He even had a driver and everything. 

“The day is ours. We can go wherever you want.” 

I don’t know where to go. There’s so many choices! Its only 9:30 so a restaurant is out. 

“What about the beach?” 

The weather is perfect for swimming. 

Its been about 5 minutes or so and neither of us said a word to each other. Im not bothered by it though. He grabs me and cradles my head against his warm chest as I slowly fall asleep. 

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