Chapter 2

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I have decided. Sorry Travis, but your the only one who actually cares for me. Plus, im sure you will do better without me anyways. In going to do it. And im going to make it look like an accident. Tomorrow driving home from school, I am going to "Accdentally" crash my car into the huge tree in the park. Going full speed. Without a seatbelt on. Hopefully I will die instantly. I cant tell anyone about this because it needs to look like an accident. Oh my god. What if i change my mind last minute? I need to call Travis. I grabbed my cell and dialed his number before i could change my mind. "Hey Emialy! whats up? why are you calling so late?" Oh ya... i forgot it was almost 1AM on a tuesday nite. "We need to talk. I have a problem." What the hell was i doing? Why was I so stupid to actually call? Was that a voice in the background? "Are you with anyone?" I asked. "Umm ya.. Terri's here." Of course. His girlfriend. Ever sense they started going out a month ago Travis was always with her. Never with me anymore. I couldnt help it. I started to cry then hung up on him. I fell asleep crying. 

In the morning I woke up, and did my normal rotuine. I was dying inside knowing that this was going to be the last day i was going to be alive. The last time I would ever see my parents and little sister Brandy. I had to keep reminding myself that they wouldnt miss me. No one would. At school i did my best i could and i focused on all of my work. I hated everyone there so what was the point with trying to communicate? Travis wouldnt get a goodbye, i dont even think we are really even friends anymore. This morning he didnt even look at me when i tried to say hi to him. 

I get into my car for my last drive. I turn on the radio to hear the last song before i die. One Direction.. Of course. My heart is racing. I drive twords the park where the big tree is. I can see it now. I gain speed and erase everything around me. Everything is going as planned. I am pulling into the parkinglot of the park now. The Tree is right ahead of me. Wait. Whats that? Is that.. a.. a person? Im going at least 80 MPH and now there is a person reading under the tree. If i dont stop Ill hit them! I cant do that. I wont do that. I slam on the breaks as hard as i can and stop about 5 feet from the tree and the person. His eyes met mine. Beautiful sea green eyes. I dont move. I am in shock. Slowly, he walks tword me. I get out of the car and meet him halfway. For a mineut we both just stair into eachothers eyes. Finally, he speaks. "are you ok?" I am speechless. His voice is perfect. "ya." I manage to wisper. "I am soo sorry that I almost just killed you." "Its ok love" He had an accent. "Here" He gave me a pice of paper. "Take my number so we can check up on eachother. You know so I can make sure your ok."  I look at the paper. There is an actual number on the paper. Not jut half of a number like the last one I got. "Whats your name love?" He says. "Emaily. Emaily Polsh. Whats yours?"  And he replies "Louis. Louis Tomlinson" 

The Boy with the Sea Green EyesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang