Chapter 8

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Carefully, I slip out of Louis arms and get up. Thankfully, I didn’t wake him up. I write a note and place it on my pillow:

Decided to go home today. I will see you soon! Text me when you wake up ok?

Xx- Emialy :*  

Ugh, I forgot that my car was at home still. Thank god I know where the hotel is and the directions to my house. It is about a half hour walk. Better get going then. I grab a water and head off. 

About half an hour later I arrive at my house. When I walk inside my mom is cooking breakfast. 

“hey mom”     

A “hi” is all I get back. Not a “where the hell have you been? I’ve been worried sick for you! Why didn’t you call?” or even just a simple “how were the past couple days?” Just a “hi” and she continues to cook. Just once I try to make a conversation with her. 

“don’t you want to know where I was for the past two days?”  I say it in a innocent joking kind of way so if she rejects the offer it wont look so bad.  She’s annoyed that she has to look away from the bacon to answer me and sighs. 


“With my boyfriend. Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. At the freaking WHITE HOUSE with the president!” 

“oh that’s great hunny.” She goes back to the bacon. I cant tell if she really just didn’t care or if she just didn’t believe me. Either way she was more interested in breakfast.

In my room I decide to text Travis. Maybe we can hang out or something today. 

To: Travis 

Hey! I gots some exiting news 4 u! wont believe it! Meet me at the park in 10 k?

From: Travis

Sure thing! Cant wait 2 hear the news! 

I get to the park in about two minutes because I will do anything to get out of my house. While I am waiting for him to show I decide to check twitter:

Emialy is it true that you and Louis are going out?

Emialy I have herd that you and Louis were going out AND that you guys were just old friends. Whats true? 

Emialy you and Louis would make an amazing couple! 


I tweet back:

Hey guys! To clear things up Louis and I were close childhood friends catching up! Xx! 

Travis taps me on the shoulder and sits on the swing next to me. 

“hey Emialy whats been going on? You haven’t texted me in a while.”

“well I have some exiting news! You know how I always told you that I would always be forever alone?”


“and how you know that I always said that no one would ever love me ever?”


“And how I said I would never fall in love with anybody because I would always get my heart broken?”


“And how--”

“ok ya I get it. Just tell me now?”

“I am going out with Louis Tomlinson and I think I love him!!” 

“Emialy! that’s.. that’s great!!” He stutters a bit but I cant tell if its from shock, happiness, or worry. 

“Im so happy for you! You don’t know how lucky he is to have you. And even though I thought you said that you would never ever begin to fall for any type of celebrity I still support it.”

“Well I only said that because I didn’t have a chance with ever being with a celebrity. I didn’t mean to fall in love with him I just did.” I am pissed now. Why would he say that and still say he supported me? He cant do both at the same time. 

“I know. Its just that your life is so amazing now and mine kind of sucks..” 

“first, my life is far from perfect right now. I cant imagine what everybody at school is going to say tomorrow! Everyone already hates me and now they can hate me more because to them I will be ‘close friends’ with Louis and I ‘knew him when I was little’”  

“Emialy, who cares what they think? They are not you.”  I blush. 

“So what sucks in your life right now Mr. PerfectLife?” 

“I broke up with Terri.”  oh.. I look into his eyes and they are sad. He is going to cry soon. 

“What? Why? You guys were perfect together!”  

“Well.. Because.. Because I wanted to do this for a long time now. But I know its not right because now you are going out with the perfect guy who can buy you everything and--”

“Travis, what did you want to do?”

Then he kisses me. 

I push him away from me. 

“Travis are you freaking serous right now? I am with Louis now!”

“im.. Im sorry.”  then he just walked away. 

I am just so confused right now I don’t know what to do. Oddly, the first thing I do is check my phone. 

1 new text message From: Louis 

Hey babe! Sorry 2 c u go so soon! Xx! 

Seriously? This is NOT the time to be texting me. 

Now I go to check sugars cape to see if there are any new articles of me. 

There are. Posted only 2 seconds ago to be exact. 

The headline? 


The picture? 

Travis and I when he kissed me. Yep. They got it when he kissed me. Full on. How am I EVER going to explain this to Louis? 

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