Chapter 6

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About an hour later, I wake up. Louis had a feather and he is rubbing it across my nose. 

“hey babe. I just thought of this… We don’t have anything to wear to the beach” that’s what I forgot..

“I guess we will just have to go and buy some suits right now! What do you say?”’

“sure but I don’t have any money”

“don’t worry about it, its on me”

We arrive at a shop about a block away from the beach and walk inside. I can already tell just from the outside of the shop that its going to be expensive. Louis is already looking around for me. A minute later he has 5 bikinis for me to try on. I go into the dressing room and change into the first one. It is bright pink and yellow stripes, not really my style. I start to take it off but before I get to far Louis decides to yell to me.

“Well aren’t you going to show me them?”

Reluctantly, I put it back on and step outside the dressing room. He is sitting in a chair with his hand up to his mouth as if he was checking me out. 

“a bit bright”  he says. 

“Ya, its not really my thing.” 

I go back into the room and change into the next one. This one is wayy to sexy for my liking, it is a string bikini with leopard print and on the butt it says rawrr. I really don’t want to show him this one but he insists, so I step out of the dressing room


“ya umm no. There is no way in the world I  am going to buy this one. It is sooo not me.”

“can you at least turn for me once?” 

As I am turning around Louis decides to sneak up behind me and smack my ass. 

“HEY!!”  I try to sound mad but I cant help but giggle.

“sorry, sorry I couldn’t resist.” 

The other 2 suits don’t do well either. One is to big and the other one washes out my skin tone. I finally get to the last suit: a red and white striped bikini. You know how every girl has that princess feeling when they find the right dress? Well this is the feeling I have now, except with a bikini, if that makes sense. Curious to what Louis has to say to this one I step out of the dressing room. 

First he doesn’t say anything. He just looks at me. I bet he doesn’t like it..

“woah. Emialy, you look gorgeous!”

“do you really think so?” 

“oh course! I mean you looked good in all of the other ones too but this is just.. Woah.”

We purchase the suits, Louis got one that matched his eyes, I picked it out. I do a little victory jump and hug Louis to show him that I was thankful for the almost $100 he spent on me today. We decide to walk the rest of the way to the beach because its less than a block away. Hand in hand, we walk in silence. I love how we can do that, not talk for such a long time and still feel comfy with each other. Not a lot of people can do that with each other. When we get to the beach I pick a spot on the sand to lay on. The patch of sand isn’t wet with sea water but it isn’t hot from the sun. It’s perfect. We both kind of just lay there next to each other, holding hands, and looking into each others eyes. No words needed. 

I must have dozed off because the next thing I know there is being freezing cold ocean water being poured on me. 


I am shaking and my teeth are chattering the water was so cold. 

“I guess if you want to be warm you will have to come into my arms now wont you? My body is the only heating source you have right now.”

“I still have the sun” I say with a wink.

“I guess, but I’mm hotter”

Typical Louis. 

“You got me”

I run into his open arms and he holds me close to him while he rubs my arms and back until I am warm again. I guess I didn’t notice him slowly moving towards the  water because he throws me into it. I scream and splash him with water. Then he pushes my head under. I try to jump on top of his back but as soon as o do he falls in backwards putting me under. I put my hands up and laugh.

“Ok ok I give up! Stop splashing me!”

He stops and we both stare at each other for a second. We then run towards each other and kiss passionately. Even better than the first time if that’s possible. For the first time in my life I feel something. I feel like I can do anything in the world. I feel free. We then walk the beach and talk for the rest of the day. We talk about life, love, childhood, everything. Finally, when we are in the black van going home, I bring up what I have been dreading all day. 

“Did you see the news article? The one about us?” 

“Ya. Ya I did.”

“What are we going to do?” 

“Deny it. We are just friends. We don’t want the paps stalking you even more than what they are now.”

“What even is happening? With us..?”

“I don’t know. But what I do know is that I really think I’m starting to fall for you Emialy.”

“I think I am too”

With that being said, I fall sound asleep in his arms. 

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