chapter 7: what medication am i on?

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Clarke's POV (continued right away from last chapter)

An alarm was blaring and there was flashing lights, but it was all happening too fast.

"Bellamy," I weakly said as I was laid on a long, travel sized bed. I reached for him, but he wasn't there.

"I'm right here."

"Sir, you cannot come onto the ambulance, you're not family-"

"Too late," he said jumping onto the large vehicle and he grabbed my hand.

"He...has to stay," I said.

"Sir, do you know if she's taken any medication?" The lady asked.

"Her mother gave her something, but it's new and I don't know what it's called," he replied stroking tiny circles on my hand. I gasped, trying to get a full breath of air. The lady who seemed to be in control placed a mask over my face. I began to panic and tried sitting up only to be pushed back down.

"Ma'am, it's an oxygen mask. You need this."

I nodded, letting her entrap the lower half of my face with a plastic mask. I began to breathe a little easier. I turned my head to look at Bellamy. Even in a situation like this, he looked poised. His hair fell just the right way, and his eyes weren't leaving mine anytime soon. He even managed to have a smile, which comforted me in every way possible. We finally reached the hospital, a place I was now very familiar with, and I began to be wheeled off the vehicle. I turned my head and there was Bellamy, running beside me.

"I can take it from here," I heard.

"Mom," I said as I removed the mask.

"This is one of the side effects, but you'll be okay. This was expected. Jackson, please record that the patient is still awake and not experiencing a seizure."

"Wait, you knew this would happen?" I weakly said, trying to accuse her of something.

"Yes, but you're awake, you're alive, and you're not seizing. How's your memory?" She asked.

"I don't know."

"Jackson, record the patient's memory is becoming flawed," she said.

"Mom, what's happening to me!" I tried to scream.

"You're okay, Clarke. You can finally sleep," my mother said as she injected a needle into my arm.

"Mrs. Griffin!" I heard Bellamy shout.

"Sh, Bellamy, too loud," I said as I drifted off into a hopeful dream world.


When I woke up, I was on a steel table. The room was unfamiliar. Nothing was recognizable. It was cold, and I was wearing uncomfortable jeans and a scratchy jacket that rubbed my neck in an uncomfortable way.

"I would say welcome back, but you've been in and out eight times now, so it's useless at this point."

"Excuse me, who are you?" I asked.

"Ha ha, very funny, Clarke. The old 'who are you,' memory loss trick," the same guy had said.

"No, seriously, who are you?" I asked sitting up.

"You're serious, aren't you?"

"Murphy, stop bothering the princess," another guy laughed as he entered the room.

"Where's my mom?" I asked.

"She's tending to another patient. I'll go get her if you want," the guy who laughed said as he kissed my forehead. I took my right arm and threw a punch across his face.

"I don't know you!" I shouted standing up, getting ready to defend myself if he came any closer.

"Clarke, it's me, Bellamy," he said taking a step towards me. I grabbed tray from the table next to me and held it up.

"I'll hit you if you come any closer, don't test me!" I screamed.

"Come on, princess, this isn't funny," he said as he walked towards me. I hit him across the face with the metal tray and began to swing my arms. I kept throwing punches left and right, hoping this guy would get the message and leave me alone. He wasn't throwing any punches back so I kept hitting him, and hitting him until someone grabbed my arms and pulled me back.

"Let me go!" I screamed.

"No, Clarke! You don't get to do this!"

"How do you know my name!?"

"My name is Murphy and you hate me, but the guy you almost killed? His name is Bellamy and you love him! I don't care if you don't remember anything, you can't hurt him!" Murphy said still holding my arms back. I looked at the guy on the ground, his entire face was bleeding but he showed no sign of pain. He just looked at me.

"You let me go so I can finish him!" I screamed, kicking my legs back.


"Mom?" I asked turning around. Murphy let me go and I ran to her. I immediately collapsed into her arms.

"What's happening? Where am I? I don't know these people, mom!" I cried.


"Don't talk to her, not right now, Bellamy. Come on, Clarke, you need medicine."

We left the guy I almost killed behind and I was lead into another room. My mom would take care of me.

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