Chapter 1

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"He WHAT?" I'm just being told now that Jaxon, my ABSOLUTE BIGGEST crush, smokes and drinks? I can't be involved with those kinds of people again. "There's gotta be some mistake here!" I started to panic.

"I'm sorry Ven. But that's the truth. I just didn't want to see you get hurt." Peyton said as she pulled me into a hug.

I didn't even put in the effort to hug her back. I finally found the courage to talk to him, and it's all for nothing. "Why does this always happen to me?" I whispered silently.

Peyton pulled away and looked in my eyes. "It's only because you haven't found Mr. Right yet." she stated with a warm smile.

"Yeah..." I sighed.

"Come on, you gotta get to third period." she said.

"Right." I couldn't let this get me dowm. It was a stupid boy. Peyton helped me dodge a bullet to be honest. Who knows what I could've gotten into if it weren't for her?

I gathered my stuff, shoving it in my backpack, and got up to leave the library. Peyton followed close behind.

"Ven, it's for the best. Look, I gotta go. Just promise me you won't let this get you down all day."

"Yeah I'll be fine." I said.

"Ok. See you later." she walked off.

I kept on walking to health class alone. I wasn't exactly watching where I was going.


I looked up and see that I bumped into someone. "Sorry." I said nervously. As soon as our eyes locked, I got lost in his.

He smiled. "It's ok." We just stand there awkwardly. "Look, I gotta go. I'll see you around."

"Yeah." I agree. "See ya."

I walk away from that conversation with a smile I entered it without.


Hey guys!

So here's the first (short) chapter of my first story on here!

I used to go on Quizilla, but it kinda sucks now.\

But now I'm here and I hope you like my story:

P.S. this is actually a true story happening now. I just tweaked it a little to make it more interesting and switched up the names :)

The Hockey Boy Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now