Chapter |1

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                          Six Years Earlier...



"So your coming to the party tonight right? Please tell me you asked your mom?" Malia asked, as we walked down the sidewalk in our neighborhood.

Malia was my best friend since middle school. We had always been close and told each other everything. I trusted her with my life because she was really the only friend I ever had. I use to have plenty of friends but as I got older and started to develop, bitches got jealous real quick.

Always tried to say my curly hair was weave. That I wore make up to look pretty when I've never touched make up in my life. Said I took ass shots and the whole nine. I never liked females anyway they always caused drama.

"Um... Yea I asked her." I lied, playing in my curls. I honestly didn't ask because I already knew the answer. Malia smiled.

"Good. We're gonna have so much fun tonight." she squealed.

I half smiled and looked down at the ground as we kept walking. I had butterflies in my stomach from hearing Malia's words. I hated lying to her about asking my parents to go certain places but I couldn't tell her the truth. Knowing her she would try to butter my parents up and make it worse. I couldn't lose her too.

The hot sun beamed down on the both of us as we walked to a park that was close by to where we lived. It was summer so school was out and I couldn't have been happier. Summer was the only time I could really do anything since my parents would always have business or would go out of town.

Me and Malia reached the park and saw it was crowded with a bunch of guys playing some game and laughing. I never was one to be nosy so I kept walking. Malia kept glancing over to the guys as we sat on the swings. I saw one guy in particular who was just standing off to the side looking cute I must admit. I quickly looked away once our eyes met.

Malia giggled. "I saw that."

I looked at her like she was seeing things. "I don't know what your talking about."

She smirked. "Whatever. So where's Siah at today?" she asked, referring to my brother. I shrugged.

"I don't know. Out as always."

"Hmm.. I'd love to see his sexy ass right now." she mumbled, but I clearly heard her. I sucked my teeth.

"I heard that. Your little ass needs to stay away from him. He's too old."

She rolled her eyes. "He's not that old."

I laughed, swinging slowly. "Yes he is. We're three years apart. We're not even considered legal yet Lia."

"So." she said simply. I just shook my head.

If anything Malia was the fast one. I was the scaredy cat. I didn't know really anything when it came to guys or what to do, so I stayed to myself. Malia always told me she knew 'some' things but I just didn't wanna get involved in all that.

I was always told don't act grown unless you are grown.

I knew the consequences when messing with a guy. I wasn't stupid. But I was intimidated when it came to talking to one. I've always been the shy type until I get to know you.

It was quiet between me and Malia. We just swung slowly enjoying the breeze and hearing the birds chirping cheerfully, besides the loud ass boys a distance from us. I was looking down at my freshly manicured toenails when two guys walked up towards us. They looked to be way older than we were but I wasn't trying to find out. Malia on the other hand was.

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