Chapter |4

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"Where you goin'?" Messiah's voice boomed.

Damn. I really hoped that his ass wasn't gonna come home anytime soon. I avoided his stare and walked back towards the kitchen as he closed the front door.

"You ain't hea' me?" he asked, walking towards me. I sighed and grabbed a bag of chips off the counter.

"Nowhere. I was just gonna go outside to get some air."

Messiah chuckled. "An' you expect me to believe that? It took you too long ta answer."

I rolled my eyes as I sat down at the island and opened my chips. I stuffed a few in my mouth and sat back into my chair. Messiah came around the island and folded his arms across his chest, watching me like he was trying to figure me out.

"What?" I said with attitude. Messiah sucked his teeth.

"I don't know why yo ass gotta attitude. I'm jus tryin' to look out fa you. Mom and Dad and hea' so I gotta be the man of the house while they gone."

"I know that but you ain't my daddy either. You always down my back about what the hell I'm doing." I replied, throwing more chips in my mouth. I started smacking on purpose to annoy him.

"Cut that shit out! I know I ain't ya daddy but you my lil sis. Of course imma be overprotective of you. I don't want no nigga's messin' wit' you. You only fifteen Lina." Messiah stressed. I swallowed and looked him in his eyes. I knew he was serious.

"I know Siah. But damn. Can I at least do some stuff without you always up my ass?"

"You betta watch ya damn mouth Lina I ain't playin'." Messiah replied, clenching his jaw. I felt my phone vibrate and I knew it was Khalil.

"Sorry. But seriously man. I'm not a little girl anymore."

"Little enough. You ain't grown yet. Don't let ya lil friend Malia ass tell you different. Jus cuz yo body look grown don't mean shit." he huffed. I just shook my head and got up.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go take a walk."

"Mmhmm. I'll be waitin' for you ta come back. Don't be out late it ain't safe." Messiah added. I heard him walk up the stairs as I pulled the front door open.

Walking out and closing the door behind me I reached into my shorts pocket and pulled my phone out. I looked down at Khalil's text.

From Khalil

I'm right down the street from your house. Jus walk straight.

6:33 p.m.

I locked my phone back and slid it into my back pocket. I started walking down the driveway of my house and started walking down the sidewalk. It would only take at most two minutes to get down to the end of the street but I didn't see why he wouldn't have came closer to the house. As I got closer to where Khalil said he was I smiled when I saw that yellow candy paint. Once I got up to the car Khalil was leaning against the passenger side door with his hands deep in his pockets.

"What's up ma?" he smiled, showing off his whites. I blushed.


Khalil opened up the door for me and let me get inside then he closed the door and walked back to his side to get in. He put on his seatbelt and started the engine. Once we pulled off I turned my attention to the window.

All you could hear was the sound of the wind blowing and the low radio that was on. I could feel Khalil's eyes on me but I kept my eyes away from him. He always made me nervous for some reason. I could never look him in his eyes.

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