{6} - Quentin

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SUFI - 'You' by Breaking Benjamin


Quentin continued walking down the trail of dirt, which continued on. The sun started to set, but he continued walking. His destination? Nothing. Exactly what his life had come to. Absolutely nothing. Trying to make a living was not as easy as he wanted it to be. The people around him like his girlfriend tried helping. Why bother? It's not like it could rain money or anything.

He was alone, for now, thinking about a few things which ran around in his mind. It never had occurred to him how his friends would continue doing random things, as if they had no sanity in them, while people like Ty and himself were trying to help, but they do nothing in return. Ty, that was his destination, his house, he promised he'd go visit him. Quentin continued forward, remembering what trail to follow.

The birds chirped, making him angry. They were all so cheerful. All of them were, except him and his friends, who were fighting against the world around them. Once he passed the large forest trail, he came across Ty's house. Simple as ever, he could suppose. He jogged his way down to his house, walking up the stairs and ringing his doorbell.

Sure enough, Jocelyn Marie opened instead, looking blankly at Quentin.

"Is Ty here?" Quentin asked. Although he knew what the answer was going to be, of course.

"Yes, he is." She answered, giving Quentin a small smile, "Please, come in."

Quentin entered, and Jocelyn closed the door behind him. He looked around. Of course Ty's house was better cleansed than his. He had a girlfriend with him to help him. Quentin did too, but she visited not so very often, but she did what she could.

"Where is he?" Quentin asked, looking at Jocelyn, who was picking up a few things from the floor and setting them somewhere else.

"He'll be down here in a short while, he knew you were coming." She replied, her view focused on other things other than him.

Quentin looked around, as if saying the following was a large act of rudeness, "Is, Ty doing ok?"

Jocelyn stopped for a mere second, but she continued doing what she was doing, "Yes, he's doing fine. . . thank you for asking."

Quentin frowned. The lies. All of them were. He knew Ty was probably not doing entirely swell. Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Ty. He wore the usual, a t-shirt and jogging pants, with regular sneakers as well.

He grinned, "Hi Quentin, long time no see."

Quentin smiled, "It's good seeing you again as well." It has been a while. Not enough for it to be so distant, though.

Ty looked over at Jocelyn, "Can I talk with Quentin, in private?"

She gave Ty a weary smile, "Whatever you say, Ty." And with that, she walked upstairs.

Ty suddenly looked over at him, his face filling with sudden dread and silent frustration, "Quentin, I am fine, if that was what you were going to ask."

Quentin suddenly looked away, at a loss for words, "Ty, listen to me. I know something is wrong. Is it the counseling? Is it us? Is it Jocelyn herself?!"

"Everything Quentin! Don't act like you don't know either!" Ty said, glaring at Quentin, "If you just opened your eyes and realized what everything has turned into, then you'd understand like me!"

"Ty, I am not you. I will never be you. Whatever troubles you, could obviously not trouble me unless it bothers me. Even if it did, I would not overreact like you do." Quentin retorted. Ty looked away in frustration, his back faced towards Quentin.

"Ty, please. Try to understand what I'm trying to tell you!" Quentin continued, his pleas bothering Ty, "I don't want you to suddenly act like them."

For a while, Ty was silent, but he suddenly muttered, "I'm going to counseling, it's that time I have to go." Ty walked towards the door, while Quentin quietly looked at him.

"But Ty, I am trying to make a point. You don't have to help everybody just because they are good friends. Their problems are theirs, and theirs only. I don't want you to be like them."

Ty sighed, looking back at Quentin with an understanding look on his face, "I will never be like them. I try to avoid them, but I just can't and I just have to help them! Whatever troubles them, troubles me."

Quentin sighed, and looked away, "Whatever you say, Ty. But it doesn't seem to help you."

Ty bit his lip, but he suddenly got his hoodie and opened the door, looking back at Quentin once again,

"I know it doesn't."


-Author's Note-

That is why friendship is magic.

And BOOM new chapter

I didn't update yesterday, ARGH

I should have, but music and videos distracted me D:

But it's here, and I hope you enjoyed it! :D

Do not forget to vote for it of course

And I will see you in the next chapter

❤Much Love!❤

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