30. text messages!

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a conversation between josh and lucas

I have fucked up so much

Oh yes, I know

I can't bring myself to delete any of the pictures on instagram, though. Kat doesn't even know what happened between Katarina and I, only that we had a bad fight and we're not friends anymore.

So she doesn't know about Gelsey?

Nope. I don't want to ruin her friendship with her, they're such good friends. But Katarina and I on the other hand? God I wish I could take back what I did.

She did tell me some of the stuff you said that night.
You went pretty low

I know.
I mean, when do I admit to everyone around me that I love her, but I just fucking hurt her so badly?
When can I tell my WIFE that I've fallen in love with a different girl, and fallen out of love with her?

Oh god damn
I was not expecting you to feel the same as Katarina

Yeah, me either

She did admit to me the other night that she'd been a fan of yours for six years. She didn't want anyone besides Brittain, Amber, and I to know. People have made fun of her for it. She even saw you in concert a couple of years ago

Holy fuck I've destroyed her
What have I done

Yes, Josh
What have you done?

oh how i love you ⇉ josh grobanWhere stories live. Discover now