'I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringwald?'

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The ride to the Kaspbrak house was a troubling one, with everyone on the edge of their seat and Eddie crying on the back of Tilly's bike

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The ride to the Kaspbrak house was a troubling one, with everyone on the edge of their seat and Eddie crying on the back of Tilly's bike. No one dared to speak for the adrenaline stilled pumped throughout all of their veins like a deadly disease. Once they did arrive at the tidy household, Bill immediately ran to the front door to alert Sonia Kaspbrak of her sons accident. Tilly tapped her foot impatiently on the side walk while waiting. Everyone was aware of Eddie's mothers odd personality and how overly affectionate she was towards her only child. Mariam had told Tilly once that she suspected the woman had a sexual fetus for little boys, especially her own son.

At the sound of a door slamming and hastily nearing footsteps, Tilly turned to see a beet red and fuming Ms. Kaspbrak who was biting the ears off of Bill as she hurried away from him and towards her son. "We were attacked M-Ms. K-"

"Don't! Don't try and blame anyone else." She seethed, all the while slamming the door to the passenger side of her car. Eddie was situated in the passenger seat, his head hung low in embarrassment. Beverly tried her best to reach out to Ms. Kaspbrak but the woman seemed to not like the fact that she was around Eddie. "GET BACK! Oh, I've heard of you Miss Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son." She hissed, getting right into Beverly's face- a mocking gesture. Tilly quickly stepped forward- right between her cousin and the woman with a scowl that could kill. "I suggest you back up." Ms. Kaspbrak didn't hide the dislike on her face once her eyes recognized Beverly Marsh' cousin. "A hoodlum like you should be locked away." Tilly went to take a step closer to the older woman but Beverly clenched her hand around Tilly's wrist, preventing her from making things worse. "M-Ms. K-" Bill tried again but was quickly cut off by the woman's scornful crooning. "NO! You are all monsters!"

"Eddie is done with you, do you hear me? Done!" Sonia gave one last menacing look before rounding her car, hopping into the drivers seat and taking off in a huff leaving the group to follow behind the vehicle. It was silent. "I saw the well. W-w-we know where it is and next time we'll be better prepared." Bill inquired with a look of utter confidence. But that was cut short by Stans objection of having anymore to do with the earlier events. "No! No next time Bill! You're insane!" Tilly couldn't help but agree, everything that's transpired over the coarse of a couple hours and then some, has put a stressful weight on her shoulders.

"Why? We all know no one else is gonna do anything." Beverly retorted, taking sides with Bill.

"Eddie was nearly killed- Look at this motherfucker! He's leaking Hamburger Helper!" Richie seethed while gesturing towards Ben's leaking gashes. "We can't pretend it's gonna go away. Ben, you said it yourself, it comes back every 27 years!" Beverly countered but no one seemed swayed by the notion of revisiting the Neibolt House. "Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here! I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too."

"I want to run towards something, not away."

"I'm sorry, but who invited Molly Ringwald?" Richie sarcastically replied which caused Beverly to flash him the bird in retaliation. "Richie-" Stan tried his best to intervene but was cut off just as he started. "I'm just saying, let's face the facts- real world. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us all killed." Richie turned and attempted to mount his bike but was immediately stopped by an agitated Bill. "Georgie's not dead." Bill had closed some distance between them as Richie stood his ground. Tilly knew all to well where this was going, with the running emotions- tension was bound to spark. "You couldn't save him but you can still save yourself." Richie attempted to move past him, But Bill refused to let him move. "No, t-take it back! You're scared and we all are- but take it back!" Bill shoved Richie harshly causing Beverly to take a step towards them but Tilly blocked her with a single arm. "This is between them."

In retaliation, Richie shoved him back even harder. In a blink of an eye, Bill drew his fist back and slammed it into Richie's cheek and part of his bottom lip- the force of the sudden hit sending Richie to the pavement. Richie didn't stay on the ground for long, he was up on his feet just as quick as the punch was thrown. "You're just a bunch of losers! FUCK OFF!" Mike and Stan grabbed ahold of Richie's arms as he struggled against their hold, wanting so bad to give Bill a piece of his mind. Tilly neared Bill just as he went to deliver another blow, holding onto his upper arm as a sign to stop. Beverly and Ben aided her by also holding Bill back. "You're just a bunch of losers! You're going to get yourselves killed trying to kill the stupid clown!" Richie shouted.

"STOP!" Beverly had finally had enough. "This is what it wants! It wants to divide us. We were all together when we hurt it. That's why we're still alive."

"We are still alive because some of us have a brain that knows when to get the hell out!" Tilly scoffed. "Look, Bill. This is all some fucked up freak show that I'd like to stay far away from. Sorry about your brother but I'm not about to put my life on the line because you refuse to believe that he is dead. Face it, Don't you think people need something to believe about? And what you believe, is false." Tilly released her clutch on his arm and stormed over to her bike, Richie- oddly, following right behind her. "What are you doing, Tozier?" She asked as he pulled his bike up besides hers. "Your the only one I can trust at this point." Tilly took notice that his lip was busted and starting to swell. "Lets go, Tozier. I'm sure a milkshake will help the swelling." Tilly mounted her bike while Richie quickly followed. The others silently followed behind until they parted ways while Tilly and Richie rode down Main Street towards the local diner.

They sat at the normal booth, Richie babying his wound while Tilly slurped away at her chocolate milkshake. "Y'know, you look good with a busted lip." Richie instantly forgot about his lip, leaned on his elbow with a cocky raise of his eyebrow and a lopsided grin that was all aimed towards Tilly. "I'd look even better if I had you on my arm."

"Just accept my compliment, lover boy."



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