:: Sciamachy Q&A::

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No one seemed to have any questions but I'll answer some that some may have thought of but didn't ask.

1) Was Tilly initially supposed to die?

A: Actually no, I had thought of three alternate endings. One, being that she escapes with the losers club, alive, and moves away from Derry; pretty simple. Two, she escapes with the losers club, again- alive, finishes high school but comes to pick up the remaining losers club members from school until everyone leaves Derry. Third, Tilly dies in the final battle.

2) Why did you pick that ending, to end the story?

A: Honestly, most stories I've read pertaining to IT have had happy endings so I decided to think out of the box and kill Tilly off as a plot twist.

3) Did you always have the idea of Tilly being cousins with Beverly?

A: No, actually Tilly was supposed to be blonde, friends with Greta Bowie and a rich girl. A Mary-Sue character.

4) Who's Tilly's love interest?

A: No one. This may be confusing but it never stated that Tilly liked anyone, yes she had said she had a thing for sweet hearts but Tilly never specifically said she liked anyone from the Losers Club or the Bowers Gang.

5) Explain the ending.

A: I'm sure some are confused but it's pretty simple. Tilly was dragged down into the deepest parts of the sewer system by Pennywise who feasted on her as his last meal for 27 years. Since the sewer system regulates water and that water is pushed out to the barrens, Tilly's dead body was therefore pushed out and found there. She was given a funeral, which only Mike Hanlon went to. Samantha Webber, did not go because she couldn't bare the thought of her death. The other losers club members left Derry- or were packing to leave and basically had so much stuff on their minds about returning in 27 years that Tilly was forgotten.

These are just some basic questions that are answered, if anyone wishes to ask a question just comment it and I'll gladly give an answer.

Otherwise this is the last of Sciamachy, hope you enjoyed the ride 🤡

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