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While I'm at school bc why not :p

"I'm home, bitches!"
"Really? What took you so long?" I deliberately refused to look up from my laptop. My obnoxiously annoying boyfriend shut the lid of it and I jumped, startled.
"Hey! Thomas! I was writing!"
"Another damn essay?"
"No. It was actually a story, you idiot. One about werewolves and witches." I glared at Thomas and he simply smiled back, then started pouting when I re-opened the laptop.
"Aaaaaaallllllleeeeeeexxxxxx," he whined. "I want to watch The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe and cuuuuuudddddlllllee."

"Why that movie?" I raised an eyebrow. "Is it because it reminds you of when you finally came out of the closet?"
"Shut up!" Thomas hit me playfully and I started chasing him around the house.

Needless to say, the night ended with us both fighting over who was having the first shower after our massive food fight (which resulted with my face being frozen numb from ice-cream and Thomas' hair being super sticky from syrup).

This chapter is shorter than Rich, I am aware. But it's fluff.
*faithfully angst author frowns*
Take it. This is probably the only time you'll get free fluff.

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