The Zombie Song- Lams

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Y'all this was inspired by Mush Roomie's video, it's fab, take a look at it.
Also this hurt me to write.

Our love story, could be kinda gory, far from boring

They'd met years ago. And they'd known straight away they were right for each other.

We'd meet at a post.... apocalypse.

His friends had warned him. Had told him to stay away. To kill him off.

Yeah I'd be slowly walking, in a group stalking you, you'd be the only man alive that I could not resist.

But Laurens didn't listen. He didn't care. Not even the fact that Alex was a zombie changed his heart.

Then all of your friends, they'd try to kill us.

The group had tried everything. Poison, traps- everything. The only thing they couldn't do was shoot Alex. They knew that John would know straight away if they did that.

But only because they'd be jealous that our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's

John thought they were jealous. Angry, even. That he'd somehow gotten a boyfriend in the midst of all this chaos and madness.

If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain.

Alex had promised. He'd said he wouldn't infect them. That he would control himself. And he was. He'd only been attacking animals, or even trees, but not humans.

I'd just want your heart, yeah I'd want your heart, I'd just want your heart.

Lafayette, Angelica and Peggy had warned John, begged him to get rid of Alex. They reminded him that George Washington had mysteriously disappeared two nights ago, but Alex had denied any claims against him, looking horrified.

If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain. I'd just want your heart, yeah I'd want your heart, I'd just want your heart, cuz I'd want ya.

John knew Alex wouldn't hurt them, not any of them. He loved John, and John loved him.

You'd be hiding in a second floor apartment, knocking all the stairs down to save your life, from the undead.

The apartment in which the five of them were staying was above ground level, with all the stairs knocked away. The only exits were the fire escapes, and luckily the zombies attacking at the moment were all ordinary people who had no idea how to trigger the ladders.

Double barrel shot gun, taking out the slow ones, then you'd see the passion burning in my eye.

John still felt guilty about that. Alex's eye. It was his fault. He'd been gathering supplies when he'd met Alex, and, assuming he was a ruthless killer, he'd immediately tried to attack the zombie, striking his eye.

And I'd keep my head.

Luckily, Alex has managed to do some quick talking- he has a way with words- and John realised he wasn't an immediate threat. The chain that was around Alex's throat, presumably from a prison or from being a slave, made it easier for John to relax around the strange zombie.

Then all of your friends, they'd try to kill us.

Of course, Alex wasn't greeted with a warm welcome. The gang were about to shoot both John and Alex when John managed to explain. For the first four months with them, Alex was chained to a post during the night and a Guard was set, at least, until they started trusting him more.

But only because they'd be jealous that our love is deeper than Edward and Bella's.

That's when the attacks increased. Of course, John defended Alex, but the others still didn't trust the zombie.

If I were a zombie, I wouldn't eat your brain.

They made Alex swear an oath- that he wouldn't eat their brains, or try to eat them or bite them. If he broke this oath, it would be death.

I'd just want your heart, yeah I'd want your heart, I'd want your heart.

Alex agreed, and then, a few months later, John and Alex were dating. An infected zombie and one of the last few living humans were dating. In the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain. I'd just want your heart, yeah I'd want your heart, I'd want your heart, cuz I want ya.

The two became closer, and the gang started accepting Alex, trusting him. Then everything went downhill.

And I'd try not to bite and infect ya because, I'd respect ya too much, yeah that's why I'd wait until we got married.

The gang worried that Alex could break his promise, and then they started to suspect that he had.

Oh, and our happiest days would be spent, picking off all your friends, and they'd see a love this deep, won't stay buried.

Members of the group went missing, slowly but surely. The gang dwindled down to six. Suspicions arouse, accusing Alex. Then George went missing.

If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain.

The group, excluding John, decided it was time to rid themselves of Alex. He'd obviously been killing their friends.

I'd just want your heart, yeah I'd want your heart, I'd want your heart.

They plotted a trap, one John and Alex would never see coming. They lay in wait. The two entered the clearing where the group was staying. The group waited til they were at their weakest moment, when they were so wrapped up in each other they would even know.

If I were a zombie, I'd never eat your brain. I'd just want your heart, yeah I'd want your heart, I'd want your heart, cuz I want ya.

Lafayette fired his gun. The two men in the clearing collapsed, dead. Lafayette cleared his throat.
"At least they're in a better place."

That's when George and the other gang members, unharmed and not zombified, emerged from the forest.

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