Spiderman AU~~ Boyf Riends

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Because I would die for the Spider-Man Boyfs Aus.

I glanced around quickly before swinging myself through the window and into my bedroom. Luckily my door was closed, so no-one would see me come in.

I hurriedly got out of the suit and stuffed it away, then pulled on my regular clothes. And just in time, too, as I hear a resounding "JEREMY!!!" echo up the stairs.

Sighing, I hurry to get out of my room, wincing as my exhausted, battered body is forced to move.

"YEAH DAD!?!" I yell as I near the bottom of the stairs.

"Michael's here." My dad appeared in the hallway in front of me. "Remember? He was coming over for dinner?"

"Oh, Yeah!" I say hurriedly, trying not to act as if I forgot my best friend was coming over.

I went over to greet him while my dad disappeared off into the house, probably to help Heidi and my step-brother Evan with the cooking.

"Dude! Dude! Did you hear?" Michael excitedly shoves his phone in my face, displaying a video of m- of Spider-Man defeating another villain. "Spider-Man saved us all again!"

"Michael, if I didn't know you were gay for Spider-Man, I'd think you're gay for Spider-Man," I joked, but inside my thoughts whirled once again.

"Jer, seriously. I wanna know who's under that mask. I wanna know if he's into dudes, and if so I'd take him on a date."

"Likely hood of that ever happening, Mell-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

Michael returned to watching the video on his phone, and I let my thoughts overrun me for a moment.

Would he still 'like' Spider-Man if he knew who was really under that mask? Would he still be friends with me if he knew? Could I ever tell him? How would I tell him, if I ever did?

I was forced to stop worrying when a small beep sounded from my wrist watch.

"What was that?"

"Uh, just an alarm!" I blurted hurriedly before looking at it.

Emergency. Robbery at the bank on Main Street. Robbers are armed.

I take a small breath. "I'll be right back. Gotta pee."

I swiftly made an exit and then quietly made my way upstairs. I slipped on my Spider-Man suit and shot out a web, swinging out of the window and off into the city.

~~Timesquip because I can't be bothered writing a battle scene~~

By the time I got back, a good half hour had passed. I felt battered and was probably bruised, and everything hurt.

I swung back into my room and was about to take off my suit when I heard a whispered, "Spider-Man?"

I looked up to see Michael at the door to my room, watching in awe, but worry also etched on his face.

I awkwardly stared, unsure how to rescue the situation.

Then slowly, Michael made his way over to me. I froze up a bit. His hand reached out and his fingers brushed my mask.

Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods-

He gently lifted it off my face and looked at me, though he didn't seemed shocked or surprised, instead just worried.

"Y-you could have died out there today Jer!"

I glanced down numbly, not sure how to reply. Michael took a half step closer and I tried not to have gay thoughts.

His fingers brushed my jawline, and I forced myself not to tense. I slowly looked up.

"I could have lost you," he murmured. And then he pulled me into a tight hug, sobbing silently. My wounds screamed in protest.

"Ow, Mikey, not so tight."

Almost immediately Michael pulled out of the hug, his face full of worry again.

"I forgot, you got hurt didn't you? Oh gods, you got hurt..."

"Michael, Michael, it's fine, it's just part of... of saving the world, you know?"

"B-but you're hurt!" Michael looked close to tears again.

"Micha, seriously, I'm fine. Nothing that won't heal." I was confused as to why he was so upset. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because..." Michael looked down, biting his lip. Then he seemed to make up his mind. "You already sort of know, don't you?"

"What?" Now I was even more confused.

"Goddamnit Jer, do I need to be any more obvious? I love you! I love you, goddamnit!"

I stood still, somewhat stunned. Like, I knew he'd had a crush on Spider-Man, but the fact that he actually loved me...

"Look, I don't care if you like me back or not, but we gotta get those wounds seen to."

This snapped me out of my daze. I reached out and grabbed his arm.


"Jer?" Michael turned back to face me, confused, and I smashed my lips into his.

Before this moment, I'd never been sure if this was what I wanted, but now I knew. His mouth moved against mine and I wrapped my arms around his torso, pulling him as close to me as possible. I ignored the pain of my wounds until we had to finally break apart.

His gaze searched mine. I could get lost in his eyes, if it weren't for the multiple bruises and cuts on my back and torso crying out in agony.

Finally he spoke.

"Let's get those wounds patched up, m'kay?"

"O-ok," I stammered, somewhat shocked at my earlier actions. Michael smiled and leans over to press a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Come on, beautiful," he says softly, taking my hand. I blush, but let him lead me to the bathroom so he can bandage my wounds.

As we make our way there, I wonder to myself, How did I ever get so lucky as to deserve this boy?

Ok, writer's block hit hard in this chapter. But I'd still die for Spider-Man aus.

In fact, if someone wrote an entire book of Spider-Man au one-shots, I'd binge the entire thing.


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