Just let me unload my shit for a moment

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I've been feeling like crap for a while now, tbh.

Now, before you get all stressed about me, no, it's nothing suicidal, and I have never even come close to wanting to commit suicide. So I'm fine in that way.

It's just the fact that I have trouble accepting my looks most of the time. I can generally find something or other that may seem like a minor defect to someone else but it makes me feel like I'm really, really ugly.

I'm getting better with this. I feel less ugly each day. But the other problem is school itself.

Particularly the boys.

Now, there is one kid I know who likes me (it's not damn well hard to tell). And thank God, because whenever I feel like shit and like no one loves me, I think of three people/groups of people who do.
1. My family.
2. That kid.
3. You guys.

But, in saying that, I have had a lot of nasty comments from boys before. They think it's fun and games, but sometimes it can really hurt, ya know?

Not saying all boys are like this, either!

But I've had comments like, "Oh, the year you were born, Halloween must've come early for your parents," (bc I'm born in October) or "Does (F/N) look good in bed?" (Bc I have literally one friend at school so everyone assumes we're lesbian, which we're not) and various other comments.

Now, I'm not saying I have depression.

I'm just ranting. Or venting.

Getting it out of my system.

So, yeah.

Thanks for reading this crap.

I'll be updating this properly real soon with the soulmate au I mentioned (I'm focusing it on Tree Bros, but it will have Boyf Riends and Jamilton in it, just as background ships).

So, uh, yeah.

Love y'all.


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