Chapter Six: Situations

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Situations are irrelevant now. She loves the way that I tease, I love the way that she breathes.

Lucas flopped down on the bed beside Brooke, both of them heavily panting. Karen was away for a month, visiting Andy in New Zealand and Brooke had suggested that her and Lucas make the most of it by having some fun. Brooke rolled onto her side, and placed her hand onto her non-exclusive boyfriend's chest.

"Did I ever tell you that you're the best I've ever had?" she whispered to him seductively, nibbling gently on his ear, which made him moan slightly.

He turned to face her. "Well, I'm truly honoured! If it counts for anything, you're probably the second best I've ever had." Brooke's mouth unhinged, taken back by his comment. "Kidding! I'm totally joking. I think you might just be the best at sex ever, wow."

"That's what I like to hear." She smiled at him, before Lucas cupped her cheeks in his hands, placing a passionate kiss down onto her tender lips. As she pulled away from the kiss, Lucas sighed slightly. He wanted more: not this whole charade that they had created. He wanted to be her boyfriend, he wanted to be able to call her Pretty Girl without hesitance, he wanted to be able to kiss her and hold her hand in public and let all of the other guys know that she was with him and he would never be letting her go. But what did he have? The occasional fling with Brooke, having to see her flirt continuously with some meat-head jocks, and the inability to call her his girlfriend.

"I should probably go." Lucas suggested sadly, needing to clear his head.

"Are you sure? I mean, I was thinking we could go for round 2." she told him with a wink. Lucas replied with a shake of the head.

"I'm not feeling too good. I'll catch you later." Lucas lied, leaving her room without another word. Brooke shrugged, not thinking too much of it, and began to replace her clothes onto her body.


"Non-exclusive dating? That's dumb, even for you, Brooke." Peyton began.

"I thought it was pretty smart. I mean, Lucas and I get to have some fun with each other, while seeing other people at the same time. No strings attached. No heartbreak." Brooke managed to say through the lump forming in her throat.

"Brooke. Think about Lucas. This obviously isn't what he wants, don't be selfish."

"Oh, like he was selfish when he was cheating on me with you." Brooke snapped, glaring at Peyton.

"Listen here, Brooke, 'cause I'm only going to warn you once: don't say shit like that to me ever again. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm trying to help you two get back together and make things right. Neither of you are going to be truly happy with this whole non-exclusive arrangement, and you know it." Peyton told her, coolly.

"Sorry, I guess you're right." Brooke sighed. "But, I just don't want it to happen yet. I'm not ready."

Peyton nodded in agreement. "You do what you want, I just don't care for this idea very much. Just don't ruin things, okay?" Brooke responded to her question with a slight nod. "So, what d'ya say we go underwear shopping?" Peyton suggested with a smile.

"I like the way you think, P. Sawyer! I mean I have to look nice when me and Lucas-"

"Too much information, Brooke!" Peyton stopped her. "Can we just go?" Brooke linked her arm with Peyton's and they headed off in the direction of the nearest underwear store.


"So you're actually going along with it?" Haley James Scott looked at her best friend, dumb-founded. Lucas nodded awkwardly. "That is so stupid, Luke, and you know it!" She continued on. "I know you like her, and I've known you long enough to know that you wouldn't go along with something like this for a girl you didn't truly like and want to be with."

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