Chapter One: The Sovereign

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Chapter song: Mr. Blue Sky by ELO

Currently we are standing on the "heart" of Sovereign, preparing to take down an energy monster that is coming for their anulax batteries to eat them.

"Show time a-holes! It will be here any minute." Peter tells us.

"Hey. You need to be careful or better yet, just sit this one out." Ruby says to me.

"Ruby, you know I can't do that." I tell her.

"You could but you're being a lil bitch." She mocks me.

I give her a death glare before our attention is pulled else where.

"Which will be it's loss." Gamora states cocking her gun.

"I thought your thing was a sword?" Peter asks her looking slightly offended and confused, in tern earning a snicker from me and Ruby.

"We've been hired to stop an interdimensional beast from feeding on those batteries, and I'm going to stop it with a sword?" She rhetorically asks with a hint of sarcasm.

"It's just swords were your thing and guns were mine. But we're both doing guns now. I just didn't know that." He mumbles the last part.

"You are so petty, Peter." I tell him.

"That's totally gonna be your new nickname, Petty Peter." Ruby laughs.

We all start to giggle, including Gamora, at the appalled look on Peter's face.

"Drax, why aren't you wearing one of Rockets aero-rigs?" Gamora asks causing our attention to fall on Drax.

"It hurts." He says stiffly, clearly uncomfortable with the question.

"It hurts?" I ask skeptically.

He looks at me for a second then looks away embarrassed.

"I have sensitive nipples." He mumbles.

I start to chuckle as Rocket outright laughs.

"My nipples hurt! Oh, goodness me!" Rocket mocks laughing causing me and Ruby to burst into full out laughter.

"What about him! What's he doing?" Drax snaps back pointing at Rocket.

"What are you doing, Rocket?" I ask with one of my eyebrows raised in question.

"I'm finishing this so we can listen to tunes while we work." Rocket explains pointing to the speakers.

"How is that a priority?" Drax asks.

"Blame Quill. He's the one who likes music so much!" Rocket shouts pointing at Peter.

"Nooo. I actually agree with Drax on this one. That's hardly important right now." Peter sides with Drax as Drax points to him to make a point.

"Oh, okay. Sure, Quill." Rocket winks at him and we all see it.

"No, seriously, I side with Drax." Peter reiterates.

"No, I understand that. You're being very serious right now." Rocket says winking again.

"I can clearly see you winking!" Drax gets annoyed putting his arms out in a 'wassup bitch' stance.

"Damn it. I'm using my left eye?" Rocket asks confused.

I hear Orlonis screeching and look down to see Groot bullying them. He runs at one and knocks it over giving a small roar at it after, then punches one with another roar as they run off. He turns and looks up at us.

Star-Crossed GOTG Vol. 2 (book 2) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon