Chapter Seven

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Peter was standing by the doorway of the ship with his headphones in as we drew near the planet, readying to land. Ego calls us all over to the front of his ship and we stand near him as the front opens and we move forward. The part of the ship we had been standing on breaking off easily and forming a platform, floating through the air over the most beautiful planet I had ever seen.

Waterfalls and rivers all flowed through out the planets surface, which was accompanied by beautiful green plants that held red flowers. Everything about this place was beautiful. I feel at peace and serene here. The sun is just barely setting over the horizon making the scene laid out in front me only that much more beautiful.

Ego turns to us with a humble look as he gives a kind smile.

"Welcome everyone, to my world." he enthuses stretching his arms out in a welcoming way.

"Wow." I say as my eyes can't seem to stop wandering around the captivating imagery around me.

"You have your own planet?" Peter asks amazed.

"Come on. It's no larger than your Earth's Moon." he tells Peter.

"Humility. I like it." Drax says from beside me.
"I, too, am extraordinarily humble." he states.

As we keep going colorful bubbles appear surrounding us, as if a child had been playing with a bubble maker. I watch as one floats next to me, reaching up and popping it. The bubble breaks apart into multiple other little bubbles causing me to smile as Drax laughs happily fro beside me.

I look forward again to see one of the most magnificent castles I've ever beheld. We approach the castle and are let off the platform onto the solid beige floors. I couldn't tell you what it was made out of.

"You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit. What are you?" Gamora asks Ego.

I had to admit the question had been eating me alive for the past 24 hours as well. We follow him, walking around the side of a big fountain with fake fish moving through the falls of the fountain.

"I'm what's called a Celestial, sweetheart." he answers her kindly, it reminds me of how a grandfather would answer his young grandchild.

Peters half God, like me? I can help but let a million thoughts fly through my head as I look over at him. His face holds a shocked expression as he also seems extremely confused. Peter, Gamora, Drax, and I all stopped in our tracks as soon as he said the words.

"A Celestial, like a god?" Peter asks to clarify.

"Mmm, small 'g,' son. At least on the days I'm feeling humble as Drax." he jokes.

Ego then turns and walks up the big golden stairs leading to the double doors on this castle, or is it a temple? Me and Peter exchange a look before following behind him with Gamora and Drax on our tails.

We walk through the double doors and my breath catches again and the beauty. Its all silvers, golds, and coppers, making up intricate pillar designs. Through out the room are these large, silver, pod shaped structures, who's purpose is still unknown to us all.

"Wow.." I hear Peter mumble beside me as he walks into the room.

"I don't know where I came from exactly." Ego starts as he walks over to one of the giant silver pods.

The pod opens a bit more and we can see inside. There's a brain, glowing blue and purple in almost electric hues, surrounded by the stars in a sea of midnight blue.

"The first thing I remember is flickering, adrift in the cosmos utterly, and entirely alone. Over millions of years, I learned to control the molecules around me." as he speaks the diagram changes, his planet engulfing the brain that had been there prior.

"I grew smarter and stronger." he says as he walks away and makes his way across the room, to another pod that opens upon his arrival.

"And I continued building from there layer by layer the very planet you walk on now." he turns to us to find us all staring at this much more intricate diagram of his planet.

Peter looks at me in awe as I look back with a small smile.

"But I wanted more." his eyes land on Peter now, who is looking back at him.

"I desired meaning." he raises a finger to show its a point.

"'There must be some life out there in the universe, besides just me,' I thought. And so, I set myself the task of finding it." he explains leading us to another pod.

"I created what I imagined biological life to be like, down to the most minute detail." he says.

This diagram shows how he became a man, embodied himself into a human form. It shows his energy racing from the core of the planet up and forming legs, a torso, arms, all the way up to a head.

"Did you make a penis?" Drax asks from behind me and Peter.

We all turn to him with looks of horror, except Ego who just laughs a bit at his forwardness.

"Dude!" Peter instantly snaps.

"What is wrong with you?" Gamora asks.

"Filter. It's called a filter, obtain one." I urge him.

He clearly doesn't catch on because he continues the discussion.

"If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her." he tells Peter.

Okay, even the logic behind asking the question was arguably understandable, we still couldn't believe his lack of social skills. Peter groans in discomfort at this subject.

"I don't need to hear how my parents..." he doesn't finish but instead makes a small hand gesture to insinuate what he meant.

"Why? My father would tell the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice." he says clearly confused.

"That's disgusting." Peter and I argue back.

"It was beautiful. You Earthers have hang-ups." Drax replies clearly repulsed and offended at Peters lack of wanting to know.

"Yes, Drax, I got a penis." Ego informs him.

I blush at the general direction this conversation has taken, as Peter tries to keep himself composed.

"Ha! Thank you!" Drax says as if it was an 'I told you so' directed at Peter.

"It's not half bad." Ego boasts.

"Oh." Drax nods in approval.

"Ugh." Peter pulls a disturbed face.

"I think I need some fresh air." I say looking at him in equal disturbance.

"Mantis, would you take our friend Taliya out side for some air, maybe get her some water." Ego more so nicely demands, rather than asks.

Mantis leads me out as Peter watches me leave with a panicked expression on his face. I understand he was protective but geesh, Mantis wouldn't hurt me and I can take care of myself.

Star-Crossed GOTG Vol. 2 (book 2) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora