Chapter Eight

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"Are you feeling okay?" Mantis asks from beside me as we sit at the table outside.

She hands me a glass that has dips up and down the side, making it look like a wave of glass. I give her a warm smile as I sip the water.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell her nicely.

"May I?" she asks me as she reaches a hand out.

"Uhm, yeah. Yeah, sure." I stutter slightly letting her sit next to me and take my hand.

Her antennae glow as she looks up at me. She holds an expression I can't quit read before retreating her hand.

"What?" I ask timidly.

"I felt confusion and loss." she says to me sadly.

I swallow the small lump forming in my throat.

"Can you show me where I'll be sleeping?" I change the subject.

"Of course." she stands "this way." she starts to lead me to another part of the castle.

When we enter into the room I'm in amazement. This place is unreal. There was a giant bed in the middle of the room pressed against the wall, it had an intricate golden and blue headboard. The duvet was a deep blue that had a design that made it appear as if the night sky was sprawled across it. There was a couch under a window that stretched across the light wall. The other wall, opposite the bedroom door, had a glass set of balcony doors.

"Thank you." I say to Mantis as she leaves the room closing the door behind her.

I throw my bag onto the couch and close the curtains in the room. I kick my shoes off and throw my jack on top of my bag before falling back onto the bed. It moves around smoothly as if I was on top of a wave pool. I move around again feeling the bed move around me in a fluid motion.

"Holy shit! What is this?!" I exclaim excitedly, as I continue to move around causing the bed to to makes waves around me.

Eventually my excitement at this new type of mattress dies down and is replaced by fatigue. I crawl up to the pillows and pull the blankets back sinking down into the comforter and quickly falling asleep.

Peter's P.O.V.

I stand staring up at a 15 ft statue of my mother wearing a blue dress and holding a basket of red flowers. Ego stands close by watching me look up at the statue.

"My mother told everyone my father was from the stars." I finally speak.

I tear my eyes away from the statue and look over at Ego who holds a pained expression.

"She had brain cancer, so everyone thought she was delusional." I tell him.

"Peter..." he says walking closer to me.

"Listen, I'd love to believe all of this, I really would. But you left the most wonderful woman ever, to die alone." I can feel my anger rising as I speak and walk around him, my back stays turned for a few seconds before I finally turn back to him.

"I didn't want to leave your mother, Peter!" he tries to reason with me.

"If I don't return regularly to my planet and the light within it, this form will wither and perish." he tries to explain as he walks closer to me again.

"So, why didn't you come back?! Why did you send Yondu? A criminal, of all people, to come and fetch me?" I argue back my anger getting the better of me.

"I loved your mother, Peter!" he shouts tears forming in his eyes.
"I couldn't stand to set foot on an Earth where she wasn't living! You can't imagine what that's like!" he shouts his voice breaking and tears threatening to spill over.

His words sent me over the top. How dare he tell me I didn't know what it was like? She is my mother! I was there when she died! I watched her die and he has the audacity to say I don't know?! Oh, no buddy. You got another thing coming to you.

"I know exactly what that feels like! I had to watch her die!!" I scream back at him.

His expression softens and he holds a pained look. A sympathetic look.

"Over the millions and millions of years of my existence I have made many mistakes, Peter. But you're not one of them." he looks at me sith sincerity.

I can feel my anger diminishing quickly with his words. I may not have my mom but maybe I could still have my dad.

"Please, give me the chance to be the father she would want me to be." he asks me, his eyes pleading me to give him a chance.

All I ever wanted a dad, and here he is and all I can do is push him away because I'm bitter.

"There's so much that I need to teach you about this planet, and the light within." he gestures to me when he says the last part.

"They are apart of you, Peter." he tells me.

Why does he keep saying my name. It's weird when he does that. It's not weird when Taliya does it though, where is she? I can feel the worry setting in as I realize I haven't seen her in almost an hour, maybe longer.

"What do you mean?" I ask him trying to push my thoughts aside.

"Give me your hands, son." he calmly says.

I lift my hands up and he takes the backs of my hands in to his palms. He positions my hands so they are slightly cupped and facing each other.

"Here. Hold them like that." he tells me and steps back a little.

"Now, close your eyes and concentrate." he says with a calm breath closing his eyes.

I do as he tells me and close my eyes, letting my body relax. I push all thoughts out of my head and clear myself of anything I've been worrying about until my mind is blank.

"Take your brain to the center of this planet.

I let out a deep breath and then my eyes snap open as I feel a surge of power course through me. I look down to see a blue aura emitting from my hands.

"YES! Yes!" my dad yells in excitement.

"Whoa." I freak out a bit as the light diminishes.

I look up at him in shock as he smiles widely.

"What was that?!" I panic.

"Relax, it's okay. Just relax. Concentrate. You can do it. Bring it back." he reassures me.

I look down at my hands again and concentrate, the same tingly electric jolt moving through my body. My hands ignite in the same blue aura.

"Yes!" he says again in excitement.

I was as the aura grows connecting at my will.

"Yes, now shape it. Feel that energy." my dad instructs me with enthusiasm.

I start to press my hands together and form a ball with the energy.

I look up at my dad and he has a warm smile and tears in his eyes.

"You're home." he says as if he's just now realizing this as well.

I smile at him, finally feeling the sense of belonging I had been searching for. I had my dad, the one thing I always wanted, and here he was, right in front of me.

"Peter.." he urges with a smile putting bis hands out.

I toss the energy ball to him and he catches it before backing up and throwing it back. I have no idea how long we stood out there playing catch, but I never wanted it to end.

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