Chapter Nine

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PLEASE READ: Mantis part is only 328 words long and then the rest of the chapter is straight from my imagination and in Taliyas P.O.V.

Mantis P.O.V.

After showing Taliya to the sleeping corridors, I walked back and found Drax sitting on the steps of the temple. He was gazing longingly at the scene in front of him. I come over sitting down and look out, there are pools slowly flowing down and dipping over an edge.

"How did you get to this weird, dumb planet?" Drax asks me.

"Ego found me in a larva state. Orphaned on my home world. He raised me by hand, and kept me as his own." I explain to Drax.

His eye's stay trained on me the whole time I speak.

"So, you're a pet?" he asks me.

"I suppose." I reply quietly.

He finally looks away as he grunts.

"People usually want cute pets. Why would Ego want such a hideous one?" Drax looks at me again.

This makes me feel sad, I didn't know I was hideous.

"I am hideous?" I ask hurt.

"You are horrifying to look at. Yes." he tells me.

I look down my antennae drooping with my sad mood as I feel the tears pricking my eyes. Why was he so mean?

"But that's a good thing." he quickly adds.

"Oh?" I look up at him quickly my antennae perking up with my mood.

"When you're ugly, and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are. Beautiful people never know who to trust." he speaks as he looks out at the small pools in front of us.

"Well, then I am certainly grateful to be ugly." I tell him.

"Those pools, they remind me of a time when I took my daughter to the forgotten lakes of my homeworld. She was like you." he says quietly.

"Disgusting?" I ask with a smile.

"Innocent." is all he says.

My smile fades as I hesitantly reach over and lay my hand on his arm. Instantly I am swept with the most intense pain I've ever felt. I'm deeply longing for something I never knew. My heart feels as though it won't function properly and there's a tightening in my lungs. I burst into tears as soon as I touch Drax. I now know what the pain of losing everything feels like. Overwhelming, it feels as though I'm drowning but can't resurface.

"D-Drax?" I say moving in closer to him.

He looks over at me with a calm face.

"There's something I must tell you." I start but the doors open on the temple stopping me from saying anything.

Taliya P.O.V.

I hear my bedroom door open and close causing me to stir in my sleep and open my eyes slightly. I can't see anything due to how dark the room has become. Even with the curtains, earlier there was still enough light to see. It must have gotten dark already. I wonder how long I was out?

I feel the bed dip beside me and an arm snake around my waist. He pulls me back against his chest and nuzzles his face into my neck leaving soft kisses.

"Peter..." I sigh lightly.

"Hmmm?" he hums in response.

I turn onto my back and gaze up at him through the darkness. I bite my lip and reach up tangling my fingers in his mess of hair.

"What are you doing?" I sigh again.

"Shhh." he shush as he leans down kissing my lips softly.

The kiss isn't intense but there's passion. He holds this kiss for what seems like forever, but it was still to soon when he pulled away.

"Let's sleep. I know you're still tired, and it's been a long day." he whispers.

I nod my head and he lays on his back. I turn onto my side and lay my head on his chest, my arm wrapped around his waist. His arm is securely wrapped around my body making me feel small as his hand rests on my hip.

Sleep soon consumes me again and I drift off quickly.

The next morning I'm awoken by a soft voice.

"Taliya wake up, there's food." I hear Peter say quietly from beside me.

I open my eyes slowly blinking a few times to adjust to the light. Peter had pulled the curtains open a bit so there was sun shining through and illuminating the room in a golden hazy glow. 

"God you're so beautiful." Peter mumbles as he hovers above me now.

He's leaning on one of his elbows beside me with his upper body above mine. His free hand reaches up and runs through my hair lightly. He leans down and kisses me causing me to smile and push him back a little bit.

"You said there was food. Or was that just a way to coax me out of my sleep?" I playfully ask him as I raise my eyebrows.

"Mmm, there's food, but mainly I just wanted to kiss you." He smirks down at me as he leans down peppering my face in kisses, before kissing my lips quickly and getting up.

He throws a shirt on and looks back at me. "Are you gonna get dressed?" He asks.

I nod briskly and get out of bed realising I hadn't changed and was still in yesterdays clothes. I open my bag and pull out an outfit walking into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get dressed before walking back into the room to find Peter laying on the made bed with his headphones on.

I walk over and climb on top of him, straddling his waist. His eyes snap open and he smiles up at me earning one back. I lean down and lay on his chest, burying my face in his neck. His arms wrap around me and I hear him let out a content sigh.

"Ready to eat?" he asks me.

"Mmm, in a minute." I mumble.

My stomach deceives my words as it lets out a loud rumble. I groan in frustration at my tummy and Peter just chuckles.

Eventually we did make it to breakfast, Gamora had finished eating, Ego seemed to be just arriving like me and Peter were, and Drax and Mantis had plates of food but were to busy talking to eat.

Me and Peter sit next to each other and Ego sits across from us we make small talk as we eat.

"So, are you of Earth?" Ego asks me.

"My father was, my mom is Asgardian." I tell him with a kind smile.

"Asgardian? As in the God's?" he asks surprised.

"Yes sir." I nod with a smile.

"That's interesting. So did you obtain any of your mothers abilities?" he asks.

"A few." I smirk.

"Well, I'd love to hear about it." he smiles back.

I tell him about how I can camouflage, and how I heal quickly in the event of injury, I explain how since I am a demi-god I'm not immortal but it is harder to fatally injure or kill me, I explain how my lifespan is that of a normal human being though. All of this interests him as he listens intently and asks questions.

Peter smiles from beside me, I feel his hand grab mine under the table and squeeze it softly as reassurance. What are we doing Peter? What is this?

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