Chapter Five

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I can tell something is off with Peter as we sit around the fire, listening to his father tell us what happened.

"I hired Yondu to pick you up when your mother passed away. But instead of returning you, Yondu kept you. I have no clue as to why." Ego tells Peter, I can see the seemingly genuine confusion on Egos face as he speaks.

"Well, I'll tell you why. Because I was a skinny little kid who could squeeze into places adults couldn't. It made it easier for thieven'." Peter explains to him.

"Well, I've been trying to track you down ever since." he informs Peter.

"I thought Yondu was your father." Drax speaks up.

"What? We've been together this whole time and you thought Yondu was my actual blood relative?" Peter asks in shock.

"You look exactly alike." Drax says through a mouthful of soup.

"One's blue!" Rocket looks at him incredulously.

"They look nothing alike." I add.

"No, he's not my father!" Peter shouts at him.

"Yondu is the guy who abducted him." I look at Drax as I tell him.

How is he so daft?

"He kicked the crap out of me so I could learn to fight and kept me in terror by threatening to eat me." Peter finishes.

"Eat you?!" Ego asks in shock.

"Yeah." Peter says nonchalantly.

"Oh, that son of a bitch." Ego gets upset.

"How'd you find us now?" I ask him in wonder.

"Well, even where I reside, out past the edge of whats known, we've heard tell about the man they call Star-Lord." he laughs a little.

"Let's say we head out there right now?" he asks us as he stands up.

"Your associates are welcome. Even that triangle faced monkey there." he says pointing to Rocket causing him to frown and reach up to his face.

I pat his head lightly and he smiles over at me before looking down again.

"I promise you, it's unlike any other place you've ever seen. And there, I can explain your very special heritage. Finally get to be the father I've always wanted to be." he persuades turning to Peter.

"Excuse me. I've gotta take a whiz." he says and then walks off into the woods.

Peter looks at me with a 'can you believe this guy' expression. I purse my lips.

"I'm not buying it." he shakes his head.

"Let's go take a walk." I smile at him as I stand up offering my hand.

He gladly takes me hand and we walk deeper into the woods, the opposite direction of Ego. As soon as we're out of earshot Peter lets lose what he's been thinking the whole time.

Drax p.o.v. (surprise bitches)

I was sitting enjoying my soup when I felt the presence of eyes on me. I ignore them.

"I am Mantis." I hear softly from beside me.

I do not care what you are, hideous bug lady. I look over at her without a word and find her giving me a weird look while she bears her teeth and flares her nostrils. I scrunch my forehead in confusion.

"What are you doing?" I ask disgusted.

"Smiling. I hear it is the thing to do to make people like you." she tells me enthusiastically.

I look back at my soup before speaking again.

"Not if you do it like that." I grumble at her, uncomfortable with her 'smile'.

"Oh, I was raised alone on Ego's planet. I do not understand the intricacies of social interaction." she speaks calmly yet so technically.

I nod at her and continue eating my soup.

"Can I pet your puppy? It is adorable." she asks me.

I follow her eyes and find Rocket licking himself. I smile to myself and nod my head trying not to laugh at my joke.

"Yes." I tell her as calmly as possible.

I watch with a smirk as she goes to pet him. She pets the back of his head and he turns around snapping at her causing her to jump back and scream in terror. I laugh hysterically at this. She looks at me frightened, and extremely innocent.

"That is called a practical joke!" I tell her as I continue laughing.

She joins in my laughter now that she understands.

"I liked it very much!" she informs me.

"I just made it up!" I tell her as we continue to laugh.

Taliya p.o.v.

"Give me a break. After all this time, you're gonna show up and all of sudden you wanna be my dad?" Peter continues to rant.

"I hear you. But-" I start but am cut off by him again.

"And by the way, this could be a trap." he stops and turns to look at me now.

"The Kree purists, the Ravagers, they all want us dead." he goes on.

"I know, but-" I start again.

"But what?" he asks as I walk closer to him.

"What was that story you told me about Zardu Hasselfrau?" I ask him.

"Who?" he furrows his eyebrows in confusion.

"He owned a magic boat?" I ask.

Peter looks down at me confused for a moment before a look of realization flies across his face.

"David Hasselhoff?" he asks me.

"Right." I nod.

"Not a magic boat. A talking car." Peter reminds me.

"Why did he talk again?" I ask raising my eyebrows and looking up at him.

"To help him fight crime and be supportive."

"As a child, you would carry around his picture in your pocket, and you would tell all the other children that he was your father, but he was out of town.

"Shooting Knight Rider or touring with his band in Germany. I told you that when I was drunk. Why are you bringing it up now?" he asks annoyed.

"I love that story." I tell him moving closer a little.

"I hate that story." he tells me.

I sigh and turn away walking over and leaning against a tree.

"It's so sad. As a kid I use to see all the other kids off playing catch with their dad. And I..I wanted that, more than anything in the world!" he tells me getting upset.

"That's my point Peter." I walk back over to him and wrap my arms loosely around his neck.

He returns the gesture by wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him.

"What if this man is your Hasselhoff?" I ask.

"If he ends up being evil then we'll just kill him." I say quietly.

He leans his forehead against mine and sighs lightly. We stay like that for a short while before Peter leans in and softly captures my lips in a kiss. He pulls back to soon for my liking and nods his head.

"Okay. But I don't want you to be out of mine or Drax's site." he tells me.

"Stop being so over protective. I can take care of myself." I tell him.

"That's why you got sick?" he asks me.

"It was just a stomach bug. I'm better now." I try to reassure him.

"Lets get back to the ship." he says quietly.

He gives me one last kiss before we make our way back to the fire and our friends.

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