Chapter Four

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The power on the ship has gone to emergency mode. I lean my head back with a small groan as Groot jumps off my lap and runs over to Rocket. I unbuckle and start to stand up when Peter comes to my side.

"You okay?" He asks with concern.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I give a small nod and purse my lips.

He helps me and Ruby off the ship and once we exit we see the real damage done to the ship. The only sound that can currently be heard is Drax's manic laughter.

"That was awesome!" he shouts at us.

"Look at this!!! Where is the other half our ship?!" Gamora yells at Peter and Rocket.

"My ship." Peter mumbles.

"Our ship." I glare at him.

He rolls his eyes.

"Mine and Tali's ship." he corrects himself.

Gamora ignores our little argument as she continues on her rant.

"Either one of you could have gotten us through that field, had you flown with what's between your ears instead of what's between your legs!" She bellows at them.

"If what's between my legs had a hand on it, I guarantee you could've landed this ship with it." Peter says hushed to Drax causing Nebula to roll her eyes.

I couldn't exactly argue with Peters words but none the less it still pissed me off.

"Peter, we almost died because of your arrogance." Gamora states.

"More like because he stole the Anulax batteries!" Peter points at Rocket like a child.

"They're called Harbulary batteries." Drax speaks.

"No they're not!" I tell him annoyed now.

"You know why I did it, Star-Munch? Hmm?" Rocket asks causing me to laugh at the new nickname.

"I'm not gonna answer to 'Star-Munch'." Peter mumbles rolling his eyes.

"I did it because I wanted to!" Rocket shouts tauntingly at him.

"Dick." Peter grumbles turning away.

"What are we even talking about this for?! We just had a little man save us by blowing up 50 ships!" Rocket points out.

"He has a point. What was that?" I ask looking at all of them, but being ignored like always.

"How little?" Drax looks at him.

"I don't this?" Rocket puts up his index finger and thumb, putting only an inch of space between them.

"A little one inch man saved us?" Gamora asks.

"He has the rabies! On Earth all the Raccoons who start acting crazy and go out in the daylight have this sickness that makes them rabid. He needs to be put down or he could infect all of us!" Ruby glares at him, convinced he has this 'rabies' illness.

"I don't have rabies!" he shouts at Ruby, ignoring the raccoon part considering she just said he needs to be put down.
"And I don't know I'm sure if he got closer he'd be larger." he turns to Gamora now.

"That's not how eyesight works, you stupid raccoon." Peter rolls his eyes.

"Don't call me a raccoon!" Rocket glares between Ruby and Peter.

"I'm sorry. I took it to far." Peter apologizes.

Wow, he's never been nice..I'm just waiting for the snarky comment to come.

"I meant trash panda." he corrects himself causing me and Ruby to almost snort holding back laughter.

Peter smirks over at me triumphantly as he's gotten me to laugh finally today.

"Is that better?" Rocket asks looking at all of us but stopping at Drax.

"I don't know." Drax says softly and shrugs.

"It's worse. It's so much worse." Peter snickers like a child as he tells Drax.

"You son of a-" Rocket starts as he lunges at Peter making the most terrifying growl/snarl/hissing sound.

"He has the rabies!" Ruby and I scream stepping back.

Peter stumbles back as Rocket lunges at him.

"No, back up!" Peter says backing away as Rocket snaps his teeth at him.

"I've had it with you!" Rocket yells back.

"Someone followed you into the jump point." Nebula alerts us.

We all pull out our guns as we step back to back into a circle, Groot sitting on Rockets shoulder.

"Set me free you'll need my help." Nebula says.

"I'm not a fool, Nebula." Gamora tells her calmly.

I feel Peter's hand grab mine and give a small reassuring squeeze, before letting go and holding his gun with both hands.

"You are a fool if you deprive yourself a hand in combat." Nebula argues with Gamora.

"You'll attack me the moment I let you go." Gamora states not looking at her.

"No I won't." Nebula lies.

"You'd think an evil supervillain would learn how to properly lie." Peter tells her.

"Or at least manipulate. You suck at both." I add on.

"I bet it's the one inch man." Drax smiles excitedly.

The white and gold egg shaped ship stops, hovering above us for a moment before slowly lowering down in front of us. Peters hands fall to his sides and he grabs mine again interlocking our fingers. We stand in a straight line now curiously looking at the ship.

The silhouettes of two people stand behind the amber colored door. The door splits open as if it's a liquid and a man with gray hair and compelling bone structure stands with a pleasant smile, a petite but tall female alien standing next to him. She has antennas and is wearing all green, her eyes big round and bug like.

As they start to exit the ship I feel Peter subtle move in front of me, shielding me from potential harm. He's been overly protective of me since Nebula almost killed me in Knowhere.

"After all these years, I've found you." the man speaks finally with an excited but subtle smile.

He's staring straight at Peter with a look I can't quite make out, almost as if he's long for this day for years.

"And who the hell are you?" Peter asks rather rudely, this man did just save our lives according to Rocket.

"I figured my rugged good looks would make that obvious." he shrugs as he speaks with a cocky confidence I've only seen in one other person.

My eyes go between him and the side view I have a Peter. Holy shit he must be..

"My name is Ego, and I'm your, dad Peter." he tells him calmly.

I can feel Peter's body tense in front of me. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze and he looks over at me. I give a small nod accompanied by a smile. He lets go of my hand and walks over to his dad, who meets him halfway and embraces him in a tight hug.

I don't doubt for a second that this is Peters father. The look on Egos face lets me know he really has been searching for Peter, the relief and joy in his expression during their hug was all I needed to trust this man.

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