Chapter Three

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I wanted to tell Peter that I loved him, that I didn't just like him, but he pisses me off sometimes with that cocky smirk of his. Like he knows what my answer is going to be before I say anything. I sit down across from Ruby at the small table behind the controls to the ship. Rocket was currently the only one flying this thing.

Peter and Drax come back up to the top deck, and I'm assuming Gamora is still locking Nebula up downstairs. Peter sits in the pilots seat and switches over so Rocket is now co-pilot and he's in charge.

Suddenly red lights start to flash around ship along with an annoying low pitched alarm. I furrow my eyebrows and look over at Ruby in confusion as I pick up Groot, who seemed to be scared as he cuddled into me. Ruby gives me an 'I have no idea' expression as she shrugs.

"This is weird. We've got a Sovereign fleet approaching from the rear." Peter speaks up, as Gamora appears now in confusion.

"Why would they do that?" She asks sitting in the seat with our weaponry defense controls, aka our cannon controls.

I stand up and hand Groot off to Gamora on my way to the front of the ship. I grab Rocket by one of his ears.

"What did you do this time Rocket?" I almost growl at him to low for anyone to hear.

"Why do you assume it was me." he argues back.

"Probably because Rocket stole some of their batteries." Drax speaks up from the back, to answer Gamora's question.

"Dude!" Rocket says betrayed.

"Rocket!" I yell at him as Peter gives him an incredulous look.

"Right." Drax begins pulling our attention to him again.
"He didn't steal some of those. I don't know why they're after us. What a mystery this is." Drax unconvincingly tells us as he avoids eye contact with everyone.

We all look back at Rocket again, not for long as our bickering gave them time to shoot at us. As blasts of protons from their cannons hit our starship and I stumble back. Peter tries to grab me but with his seatbelt restricting him, barely misses.

Drax on the other hand is holding onto one of the many metal handles on this ship, and uses his free arm to catch me. We sway around with ship as Drax sets me with Ruby and she helps me buckle in next to her. As of we're actually going to outrun them.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Peter shouts angrily at Rocket over the noise of our ships screaming control board.

"Dude they were really easy to steal." Rocket argues.

"That's your defense?" Gamora asks clearly irritated.

"Come on, you saw how that high priestess talked down to us. Now I'm teaching her a lesson." Rocket gets cocky now.

"Oh, I didn't realize your motivation was altruism." I sneer at him from the back.

"It's really a shame the Sovereign have mistaken your intentions and they're trying to kill us." Peter finishes for me.

"Exactly!" Rocket smiles not understand the sarcasm.

"We were being sarcastic!" Peter and I yell at the same time.

"Oh, no! You're supposed to use a sarcastic voice! Now I look foolish!" Rocket complains.

"Can we put the bickering on hold, until after we survive this massive space battle." Gamora reprimands.

I 'humph' and slouch down in my seat but quickly sit up straight again.

"Trash!" I shout.

Drax holds a trash can in front of me and I immediately hurl up stomach acid having not eaten much. I groan and whine in complaint at how my stomach feels. Drax hands me a water as Peter looks back at me confused.

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