Part 1

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Demi's POV

"Hey Demi, smile!" I turned my head to find Naya's phone pointed right at us.

"Oh wait, this is my bad side." I quickly switched to the other side of her shoulder and fixed my hair.

"Girl, what bad side? You have no bad side." Naya rolled her eyes at me while I just giggled.

"Alright I'm ready!" I poke out my lips and pose for the camera.

"Alright I'm ready!" I poke out my lips and pose for the camera

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"Awww look how cute we are." Naya smiled at the photo before showing it to me.

"We're gonna be the hottest couple on the show. What's our couple name? Sani?" Naya looked up from her phone and looked at me, thinking.

"How about Dantana?"

"Yes!" I watched as Naya finished typing up as one of the assistant directors came up to us.

"We're ready for you girls on set." I didn't expect to be back to acting so soon, but here I am on the set of Glee with a script in my hand. I couldn't have gotten any luckier to be able to jump back into acting with such great friends.

"Hey Dem, the girls are all coming over after rehearsal today to watch some movies, you want to join in?" Naya looped an arm through mine as we headed to the stage.

"Yeah, sure! That sounds like a lot of fun!"

"Alright let's start from the top." The director shouted as everyone made their way to their first mark. The rehearsal ran pretty smoothly and I'm really enjoying playing my character, Dani. This role is definitely different from any one I've ever played and I'm so ecstatic about it. But then it got to the part of the script where me and Naya kiss. Now, it's not like I've never done an on-screen kiss before. I'm not a huge fan of doing them but I don't mind it. And it's not like I haven't kiss a girl before, but I've definitely left that behind with my party days. It's the combination of kissing a girl on screen that is making me so nervous.

"Demi?" I didn't even realize I was spacing out until Naya snapped me out of it. "It's your line."

"Right...Sorry." I look on the page and notice it's the one right before the kiss. "Are we rehearsing the kiss or saving it for the camera tomorrow?" I know for Camp Rock 2, they didn't make us kiss for rehearsals but for Sonny With a Chance I had to.

"If you feel comfortable enough then go for it." The director smiled my way and so did Naya.

"Uh, yeah alright let's go for it."

"Okay then, let's start a few lines back." Naya began with her line and as I said mine I just felt my face heat up and my heart beat faster. It's just a stage kiss Demi, stop being so nervous. The moment finally came and I slowly lowered my script to look up at Naya. She took the lead, having done this many times before and leaned in, resting a hand on my cheek before pressing her lips on mine. I couldn't help the moan that escaped from my lips as Naya deepened the kiss and I had no idea where it came from. Maybe from the butterflies that was erupting in my stomach? Or was it the electricity the danced on our lips? I'm not sure what it was but I know I have never felt this with any girl I fooled around with in my party days. Hell, I'm not even sure if I've ever felt it this strongly with Wilmer. I'm not sure how long I was standing there but I'm pretty sure I didn't open my eyes until long after the kiss ended, looking like a complete idiot.

"I...I gotta pee. Can we take five?" I stuttered out as Naya just looked at me confused. I barely heard the director mutter out the break time as I quickly made my way off set and towards the bathroom. I probably look like a total diva, calling out a break whenever I want but I just need a few moments to process what just happened. I have never felt that strongly while kissing anybody, ever. Not even with my kisses with Wilmer. Of course we connected and I felt the flutter in my stomach when I kissed him, but it never hit me as hard as that kiss did. Why is that? I mean...I love Wilmer, don't I? I'm straight. Aren't I?

"Hey girl, are you alright?" I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't even notice Naya entering the bathroom. Shit...what do I say?

"Yeah, I'm fine." I try and give her a reassuring smile but I can tell I wasn't convincing her at all.

"Did I make you feel uncomfortable? I'm sorry..."

"No, no you didn't. You were just doing what we were supposed to."

"You ran out of there pretty fast."

"I, uh, I just was thinking about Wilmer and felt a little guilty." Okay, that was a really lame lie but what else am I supposed to tell her? That her kiss left me speechless and now I'm questioning my sexuality? Yeah, no.

"That's all?" Naya chuckled at me. "If he is anything like my man, I'm sure he is more than okay with it."

"Yeah, you're right. Men, huh?" She rolled her eyes and I let out a small giggle back. "We should probably get back."

"Yeah, go on I'll catch up." She smiled at me once more before pushing open the stall and walking in as I walked out towards the set. I pull out my phone and start scrolling through my Twitter. I still have a little bit of time since Naya is still using the restroom. I scroll down and see the picture that she posted of the two of us. There is something about it that forces a smile to my face and the blood to rush to my cheeks.

@NayaRivera: Fancy. @ddlovato #goodside #dantana?

I laugh out loud to myself at the hashtags. Maybe I'm just being silly, maybe it didn't really mean anything and I'm just psyching myself out right now.

 Maybe I'm just being silly, maybe it didn't really mean anything and I'm just psyching myself out right now

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Or maybe I'm about to walk into new territory, in a place where I'd never thought I'd find myself in.

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