Part 5

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Demi's POV

Waking up next to Naya was definitely one of the most peaceful and happiest moments of my life. Everything with her was just so damn easy. I wish everything in life felt this easy. She was a stomach sleeper but she still kept an arm wrapped around my bare waist. I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw a blanket of hair spread over her face and on her pillow. I roll over to my side and prop myself up on my elbow before gently pushing her hair out of her face. She groaned as one eye squinted up at me.

"Morning love." I chuckle out, she was adorable with that sleepy pout.

"Goodnight." She mumbled out before burying her face in the pillow.

"Nayaaaa wake up!" I shook her a bit but she doesn't budge. I sigh before rubbing my hand across her bare back. As my hand traveled further away from me and over to her other shoulder, I lean down and place feather light kisses across her shoulder blades. I feel her move ever so slightly but it could just be my imagination. I move up at her spine and to the back of her neck, and I knew for sure that was a squirm I felt underneath me. Finally, I get to her earlobe and begin to nibble on it softly. Her face unglued itself from the pillow and she flipped her face to the side, eyes still closed with a small smile resting upon her face.

"I know you're awake..." I giggle softly in her ear and I see her smile curl up even more. One of her eyes peel open and before I know it, I'm pinned on my back and she is hovering inches away from my face.

"Morning beautiful." She grinned down at me before leaning down and capturing my lips with hers.

"Mmmm...this is a much better greeting." As perfect as this all is, I should have known it wouldn't have lasted. Reality literally shined bright from my finger as I tucked a hair behind her ear. Here I was, still wearing this ring, a symbol of my 'committed' relationship with Wilmer but yet I was lying here naked with another woman. How fucked up am I?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Naya asked confused when I pushed past her and sat up, running all ten fingers through my hair.

"I'm so fucked up." I mumble, more to myself than her.

"Don't say that. It's gonna be okay..." She tries to wrap an arm around my shoulders but I immediately jump out of the bed and away from her.

"No it's not! Nothing about this situation is okay!" I start to pick up my clothes that trailed out the bedroom door. "I need to get out of here." I mumble under my breath.

"Seriously?" She spat out, getting out of bed and dressing herself as well. "You're really going to pull this shit on me?"

"What we did was wrong Naya."

"Don't give me that bullshit okay? If I remember correctly, you were the one who initiated it all."

"I know!" I snap at her. I could feel the tears begin to form at the rim of my eyes. "I know, okay?" I say softer this time.

"Stop messing with my head either want me or you don't." I purse my lips, unsure of what to say. I did want her, god did I want her but I can't have her. Not now, not like this.

"I've got to go." I grab my keys and turn on heel to head to the door when her voice stops me.

"If you walk out that door, just know that will be the last time. Once you leave, you can't have me back. I'm done being jerked around." I just wanted more than anything to turn around and throw myself in her arms but I don't. I just take a deep breath before heading out the door, not looking back because I know if I did I wouldn't be able to say no.

I cry the entire way home. I cry for losing her, the girl who stole my heart, and I cry for the thought of losing him, the guy that used to have it. There was no way of getting out of this. I needed to grow a pair and come clean once and for all because I don't think I can carry this guilt in me any longer. Wilmer was in the kitchen when I got back, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

"Oh look who decided to finally come back." He growled, not looking up from what he was doing.

"Wilmer, I—"

"You know how fucking worried I was Demi? You couldn't have picked up your damn phone?" I don't think my phone ever left my purse; I didn't even know he called me.

"I'm sorry..." My voice cracked when I said this and that's when he finally looked up and got a good look at me. I thought I cried out everything I could on the drive home but I guess not because right then and there I just burst out into tears again.

"Nena?" Wilmer immediately dropped what he was doing and came over to wrap his arms around me. His anger immediately subsided and he was there in a second to comfort me. That was just the kind of guy he was. As much as I wanted and needed his comfort, I couldn't accept it so I roughly push him off of me and I knew immediately that it just hurt him more.

"I'm so sorry Wilmer..." I sob out and that just made him more confused.

"For what? Demi, please just talk to me. Tell me what's going on..." He pleaded. I took deep breath to calm myself down a little and wiped my tears before looking up at him

"I-I kissed Naya."

"Yeah, for your role. We talked about this, it's oka—"

"No Wilmer it's not okay." I blurt out, frustrated. Things weren't okay. I wasn't okay. "I kissed her. Not just on set. And things went further than they should have..."

The look on Wilmer's face was one I've never seen before, and what scared me most about it was the unpredictability of it all. I prepare myself for the worst, I prepare for him to scream and shout at me because any reaction that lets me know how he felt about it would be better than silence. But that would have been the easier reaction to deal with to be honest but God knows I didn't deserve the easy way out.

Not a single word left Wilmer's lips as he slowly slipped off the ring that matched mine and place it on the counter before grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

I lost the two people I care about most in less than two hours. And even through all the dark moments in my life, I have never felt more alone than I do at this moment.

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