Part 8

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Demi's POV

Have you ever cried so much that by the end of it you felt absolutely numb? That's where I'm at right now. The only thing I can do is just sit and stare at the wall. How did I get to this place? My phone rings for what seems to be the thousandth time, doesn't nobody get I'm not in the mood to talk? As suspected it's my management again. Before I knew it all the numbness faded away and all I felt was a burst of anger that flew through my body and to the tips of my fingers as I fling my phone across the room. It stops ringing the second it bounces off the dresser...shit.

I push myself off the ground finally and go over to see if I even have a phone left for me to use and that's when I see it. A note tucked into the corner of my dresser mirror. Unfolding it to see what lies inside, I immediately recognize his hand writing.


I spent so many nights thinking about where we went wrong. I've typed out and deleted so many messages to you and hovered over your name contemplating whether to call you. I know I left without much of a response but the truth is, I don't really have one. It's obvious that I'm heartbroken. I've given up so much for you nena and you've made me a better man because of it. But I still can't face you yet, not right now. You and I both know what you did was wrong, and I know you feel terrible about it because I saw the guilt in your eyes when you told me. But what I also saw was a whole lot of confusion. You must really feel something for her Demi, I know this is probably weird coming from me (trust me it's just as hard for me to write it) but you did the things you did for a reason and maybe now that I'm out of the way it's time you explore those reasons. Maybe you already have, but knowing you as well as I do I know you probably tried but held back because I know how hard you make it to let people in your world. So this is me, as your friend who knows you inside out, telling you to let that wall down. It's okay to do that nena, it's okay to take that risk. I know that a part of you only stayed with me because I was comfortable for you, I already knew you and you didn't have to worry about be tearing that wall down because there was never one between us. But now it's about time you let somebody else and that happiness in. I want nothing more than to see you happy Demi, you know that. And I know you want that happiness too, so let yourself have it. Go for it. I know it's scary but sometimes the scariest things are the ones worth fighting for, that's something I learned being with you and now it's time you learn the same. Know that you will always have a special place in my heart. I love you.

With and by you always,


Damn it Wilmer. Why do you always have to be right? And so sweet and caring? He always found a way to pull me out of my darkest moments, and he wasn't even physically here. He was right about everything, but was it too late for me to take his advice?

Naya's POV

"Hey babe, good morning." I bite my lip to hold back a snarky remark. I know Sean means well, he's a good guy. But we aren't back together and he's having a hard time accepting that. I guess it's partly my fault for allowing our late night rendezvous lately but I can't help it. I'm confused as hell thanks to my blonde co-star.

"Hey..." I force out a small smile and make my way over to sit next to him on the couch while he flips through channels. I make it a point to sit at the other end though, hoping he takes the hint. "Anything good on?"

"Not really..." He looked at me before dropping the remote and scooting to my side of the couch. Hint not taken. "But I'm sure we can find another way to entertain ourselves."

It was crazy how quickly my feelings for Sean dropped once Demi came into my life. And even though things were...I don't even know, between Demi and me, I still find myself coming back to Sean for comfort. But it still didn't stop the beautiful blonde from popping into my head constantly. I had a weird mixture of anger and desire when it comes to her. I want to believe her so bad, I want to believe that those kisses are real but I can't tell with her. What if I'm just a fling, an experiment? She always made the first move but she was also always the first to back out and run away.

"Sean I..." I wasn't really up for another round today but he just pushed closer until an all too familiar name reached my ears.

"Our next guest is a pop sensation and judge on The X Factor. She also landed a guest role in this season of Glee, please welcome Demi Lovato!" I immediately push Sean aside and reach for the remote to turn up the TV and I feel my breath catch in my throat when I see her walk about. She looks beautiful and I'm immediately hit with an ache in my heart. I miss her.

"Nay, you see her on set, you look as though this is the first time you've laid eyes on her." Sean chuckled next to me and that's when I realized I was staring. Staring at the way her lips moved with each word and thinking about the way they felt on mine. But what really made my heart stop was hearing my name escape her lips.

"Yeah, I actually play Naya Rivera's love interest on the show."

"It seems as though you both got really into the role in light of recent events." I watched as her "press smile" faded and shocked entered her face, you can tell she didn't expect that answer at all.

"Uh, yeah so make sure to tune in." Demi awkwardly added in, as her cheeks grew red.

"Oh come on, tell us. Is there any truth to that?" Honestly, I wasn't really that fazed with the pictures came out. But I know Demi, on the other hand must have had a meltdown.

"You know what, I'm don't really like to talk about my private life." That was expected. I was about to roll my eyes when I see her pause and chew on her bottom lip. "But..." Now I'm interested and it's like I couldn't get any more on the edge of the couch. "Sometimes, you can't help who you fall for. I've been preaching to my fans all this time to accept who they are when maybe all along I should have been telling myself the same."

I could see the fear in her eyes as she said this, all the fears popping into her head in that moment and I can tell that she probably didn't plan to give that much away when beginning that answer. But I think a part of her did because she was trying to tell herself...and maybe me something.

"Nay, where you going?" Before I knew it was grabbing my purse off the counter and searching for my keys. He obviously wasn't paying attention to the interview.

"I...I gotta go." I spat out before finally spotting them. I didn't even let him speak another work as I practically sprinted out the door. I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, or if I was just setting myself up for another fracture in my heart, but something in Demi's eyes spoke to me. And it screamed that there was another chance worth taking with her. 

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