Part 2

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"Heyyyy!" I greeted with a big grin on my face as Naya opened her front door. Sure, things were still a little awkward for me after we came back from the break during rehearsals earlier but after some quiet time at home and a long phone call with my boyfriend, I feel a little more back to normal. I didn't realize how much I really missed Wilmer until I heard his voice over the phone and couldn't get enough of it. I even considered not coming tonight and to just stay on the phone with him but he convinced me to go out and spend time with the girls instead. I just feel so embarrassed after the way I acted at rehearsals, but maybe everyone will forget about my unprofessionalism by tomorrow.

"Hey! Come in, come in! I'm so glad you could make it." Naya smiled and pulled me into a hug. Oh shit...the butterflies have awaken in the pit of my stomach again. I pull away a second earlier than intended and look around to see nobody else here.

"Is anybody else here yet?"

"Amber said she had a family emergency and Lea is running a bit late but she should be on her way now." Okay cool, Lea is coming. It won't be just the two of us. That's good. Right? "Come on, let's pick the movie while we wait for her" She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the living room. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks feeling her hand in mind. Yeah, Lea good. Definitely good. I don't need to add any more moments of me acting like a complete idiot to the list I created today.

"What are you in the mood to watch?" Once again, her voice had to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, something funny." You can never go wrong with comedy.

"Cool, me too." We finally stop in front of her shelves of DVDs and her hand lingers just a bit longer before letting go. I could feel her eyes on me, probably looking at the red that crept up on my cheeks. Great.

"Oh, Pitch Perfect! I LOVE that movie!" I reached out to grab it and I guess she had the same idea because her hand bumped right into mine. I looked at her and our eyes locked; this is seriously a moment out of a Nicholas Sparks film. "Sorry..." I pull my hand away and tear away from her gaze. What the fuck is going on with me? A knock on the door startled the both of us.

"That must be Lea." Saved by a...knock. Thank god. Naya smiled at me awkwardly and motioned to the couch. "Um, just make yourself comfortable."

The awkwardness went away once Lea came in and the rest of the night was just a regular girls night. We watched Pitch Perfect, had a few laughs and spilled a few bowls of popcorn. The jetlag from my trip to Kenya is still wearing on me and towards the end of the movie, I closed my eyes for just a minute and the next thing I know I wake up to find I had been asleep for about an hour. The TV was off, the spilled popcorn was cleaned up and I had a blanket draped over me.

"Oh hey sleepyhead, you're awake!" I sat up and stretched, letting Naya plop down on the couch next to me.

"Did Lea already leave?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Yeah, she told me to tell you bye and that she'll see you tomorrow."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on your couch." I stand up with the blanket and start to fold it.

"Don't worry about it girl. Why don't you just sleep here? You look really tired." She gently pulled the blanket from my hands and tugged on my arm to sit back down next to her.

"Oh no, I don't want to impose."

"You're not...I want you to stayyyy" She bursted out in song with her Rihanna pun and that made me burst out into my obnoxious laughter.

"Oh my god." I giggled, pushing her playfully. "Well I guess I can't say no to that."


"We're gonna be so tired on set tomorrow." I was definitely wide awake now and there was no chance of me falling back asleep any time soon.

"Well hopefully we will be awake enough for our steamy makeout scene."

"One kiss is hardly a makeout session."

"Well I guess that's good since you broke a sweat with just that one kiss."

"Shut up!" I squealed, throwing a pillow at her. "You wish you could get more of this."

"Honey, I don't think you can handle that kind of heat." She challenged with a raised eyebrow.

"Girl, I've handled my fair share of heat, if you know what I mean."

"Prove it." The giggles immediately stop as what she said sunk in.

"What?" Did she just ask me to kiss her?

"You heard me, prove it." I couldn't really find any words to say. Naya just smirked at my silent response. "That's what I thought." My competitive nature flared up inside of me and before I knew it, I had my lips attacking Naya's and instantly melted in her ecstasy. Something about her hands exploring my body felt wrong but so incredibly right at the same time. That's what made it so exciting, the thought of this being forbidden territory. Soon I was straddling her, not being able to control myself, and part of me didn't want to be in control. Most of me loved letting loose, just like I used to years ago but this time it was her lips that were my drug and I didn't want to say no. But then I felt her hand slip under the hem of my shirt and I was immediately snapped back into reality. What the fuck was I doing? I ripped myself away from her and jumped off the couch, bringing myself the furthest point away from her in that room.

"I, uh, I should head home." I storm to the kitchen to grab my purse, feeling Naya following close behind me.

"Demi, wait can we just talk about it?"

"I...I can't I'm sorry. I'll see you tomorrow." With that, I slam the door a little harder than I intended to and continued on my way. I didn't stop until I was in my car and that's when what happened really set in. I have a boyfriend. I like guys. I enjoy dicks, what the fuck am I doing? I bang my head on my headrest and let out a frustrated groan. What did I just get myself into?

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