Part 9

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Demi's POV

"Come on D, you are NOT spending another night holed up in your apartment watching the ID channel." Marissa tugged at my arm and I just bury myself further into my couch.

"Marissaaaaaa. Just leave me to my misery." I groan into the couch cushion as I try to pull my arm back.

"Demi shut the fuck up, you know I'm not gonna do that. Now stop being a baby and go wear something CLEAN." I flip her the bird with the hand she is pulling on and finally rip it out of her grasp.

"I showered this morning, shut up!"

"Whatever. You've been in that same spot on the couch for days now, you could have fooled me." I feel her plop down on the couch next to me. "Come on Demi, we're going out tonight. You need to see there are plenty of other fish in the sea."

"I've accepted the fact that I'm going to die alone." That earned a big fat slap to my arm. "What the HELL Marissa?"

"Stop with this pity party right now. It's not cute."

"Fuck off."

"No can do, D. You're not getting rid of me so either you go willingly or I drag you out of this damn apartment.

"I hate you."

"No you don'ttttttt." She sings smugly. I just stick my tongue out at her before chucking a pillow at her. As annoying as she is at the moment she's right, about both needing to get out and not hating her.

"Fine I'll go. But I won't enjoy it." As I get up from the couch and make my way to my bedroom, I hear a knock on the door. I roll my eyes thinking that Marissa probably decided to invite Chelle and Matthew to come along as well. What I didn't know was it was one of the people I least expected, but always hoped it would be.

"Naya?" My best guess is that she is here to finally yell at me about the pictures. I was surprised when a shy smile rather than an angry glare appeared on her face.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Y-Yeah, of course." I try to push my confusion aside so I can act normal enough as I motion her in.

Normal POV

"Oh D, I totally for got to tell you I invited Ch-" Marissa walked up next to Demi and froze when she saw Naya standing there, expecting it to be Chelle at the door. "Oh. Nevermind then." Demi threw Marissa a glare as Naya just giggled under her breath.

"Hi. I'm Naya." Naya gave Marissa a small and a small wave.

"Oh yes...Naya. I've heard SO much about y-" Demi nudged Marissa's side harshly with her elbow, flashing a smile towards Naya when she looked at them confused. "I mean, I'm Marissa. Nice to meet you." Marissa grumbled out, rubbing the pain in her side.

Marissa smirked as she watched the silent exchange between the two girls. She has never seen her best friend so quiet, so nervous, and she has definitely never seen her blush this hard, not even around Wilmer.

"Uh, yeah I was just leaving so..." Demi's eyes immediately snapped open towards her best friend. She pulled on Marissa's arm and brought her close to her.

"No please, don't leave me." Demi pleaded quietly. Marissa sighed as she felt her tighten her grip on her arm.

"Naya, may I borrow my best friend for just one more moment? Please, have a seat on the couch and make yourself at home." Marissa smiled, playing hostess even though it was Demi's apartment.

"Yeah, of course. Thank you, it was really nice meeting you Marissa."

"You too!" Marissa kept the smile plastered on her face until Naya was out of earshot before turning to Demi. "You need to talk to her. Alone."

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