Slip Away

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[Laina's POV]

Kellan put me to bed and called the school. He had been on hold for at least an hour before actually reaching someone. They must be having a busy line. "Hello, can you give me a status update on the kids? Woods." He told them. After he finished the phone call, he looked at me. "They said that Sophia and Zane passed their tests, they're in the rec room..." I smiled, but soon frowned when I saw his lifeless expression. "They got Terri..." He hugged me.

"What do you mean they got Terri?" I asked looking for some reassurance that she was safe. "She didn't pass...they're taking her to the Thinning..." I cried into my husband's arms. There is no way Terri failed that test...our kids were smart. They are smart. "We have to go get them..." I said, but Kellan pulled me back. "There's nothing we can do, Laina. That place is crawling with guards. Come here," he pleaded.

I hugged him tightly and we went to rest. At about 2:40 P.M., I looked up to see Kellan sleeping on his side. I kissed his head and ran to the school where my kids were being held. I know Kellan wouldn't approve of this, but I could still help my kids.

[Blake's POV]

We got to the job center. 4-6 lines were in front 3 TV screens. Each had yellow writing on them. They each held at least 175 jobs on them. I grabbed my best friend's hand as we went to check in. "You ready, Dude?" Sam asked me. "Totally," I replied with a smile. The head guard at one of the lines called us up. "Samuel Davidson..." Sam went up and looked at some of the jobs that weren't taken: Tray Cleaner, Ice Picker, Deliveryman, Zookeeper, Family Supporter. "What is Family Supporter, Sir?" Sam asked.

The guard looked at a thick red packet and read what Sam had asked. "Family Supporter is when the leader gives families what they need back in society. Clothes, food, water, shelter...." Sam stamped his hand on a piece of white parchment. "Family Supporter." He went off to work immediately.

I looked at the stamp he had left. It was a symbol of a mother, father, and baby. I asked what a deliveryman does. The guy answered me in a 'duh' tone. "Deliver packages to society..." "I'll take it," I said happily. He made me stamp my hand. It was a symbol of a delivery truck.

A lady took me to a post office center and gave me trucker keys. "Deliver these boxes to the school." She ordered. I nodded and loaded up.

[Kellan's POV]

I woke up to find my wife's side of the bed empty. "Laina? Sweetheart?" I called out. Nobody answered. I searched the entire house to find her missing. Then, it hit me! She went for the kids! "Oh, Laina...please be alright..." I said as I grabbed a jacket.

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