A Minor Delay

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[Laina's POV]

"How did we get a fire, James!" King yelled loudly, almost popping my eardrums. "Sir, some oil got dumped and there was a small fire somewhere. Well, the oil spread closer to the fire, igniting a bigger fire," James spoke grimly. "Great, now we have to stop the fire from hitting the building." Then, King walked out.

Several guards left, but only two remained. One of them was a frail guy that had no hair, and looked homeless. The other guy, had big arms, and long legs. He also had a brown mustache that was guarded on his mouth. Both guards guarded the door, but not in the same room as we were.

I struggled against my restraints, as I tried so hard to break free. They weren't moving anywhere. I was still tied down along with several other people. Some were struggling to get free, others would sit and cry, and the rest just stared off into space. They had already accepted their fate.

We heard the guards on the other side of the door fall down. But how? Rattling of keys shook the room around, and we were nervous. Then, I saw him.

Kellan Woods.

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