The Rescue/Epilogue

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[Laina's POV]

"Kellan," I breathed as he carried me out of that horrifying reality, "you saved me." He blushed a bit and smiled that whimsical like smile that always alarmed his face. "It's alright Laina, I'm here now," he said while pushing a strand of my golden locks behind my right ear. King did not see us leave at all. I was very excited and very relieved to not have to go to the Thinning ever again. I still felt sorry for Blake.

I never knew Blake as well as I know Kellan. I hope that one day the Thinning will be stopped once and for all. Blake died a horrible death, and it was all up to Governor Redding...if only we could change his mind. Until then, the people that had to go through the Thinning will always be remembered as brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives for everyone else.

I'm now with my family again. Kellan, the love of my life who has shown me that life is a wonderful opportunity. Terri, my oldest, and the most beautiful and toughest girl that I know; she taught me how to stand up for what's right. Zane, a charming little boy, who dreams of a world that everyone can enjoy. Finally, my youngest, Sophia. This beautiful little princess will always find a way to cherish the moments we have together.

We might not always be together as a family forever, but for now, we were whole again.

And there's nothing more that I could possibly ask for...

Hey guys!

I hope you all have enjoyed this book!

I'm really sorry that I haven't been updating it for awhile, I'll try and update my books better.

I'm also really sorry to say that this book has come to an end. But, no worries, I feel like this story isn't finished yet.

You're probably all thinking of what happened to Blake. Well, that's for you all to decide.

I would love to make a sequel to this book, but, you have to be the ones who want it.

Please comment on what you thought of the book, and if you want a sequel, please ask.

That's it for now guys! See you all later!

The Thinning 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora