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Hey! You have reached the q&a portion of this story. I've got some questions from on here and on my Instagram. I will gladly edit this part to add more questions or to take away any if you'd like.

These are the ones I've got so far:

Did Frank ever visit Gerard again?-

No. Frank was not physically or emotionally capable of visiting Gerard again. The only reason he visited him was because he hadn't seen him since before he got arrested and he needed some sort of closure. That was something strange about frank, he always HAD to say goodby. He would have felt wrong his whole life living it out without saying goodbye and seeing Gerard one last time.

What does franks family think about him being a detective?-

Frank met his wife about a year after the arrest with Gerard went down. He actually hadn't been signed up for any large cases such as Gerard's. His cases where small like busting night clubs and whatnot. His wife supported it, in the story she was a cop herself actually. That's kind of how she met frank. That's a different story though.

What happens to Gerard?-

I have my own theory of what happens to Gerard but it's all up to you what happens to him. You can imagine whatever you'd like. If you want a happy ending then you could imagine that. Picture it however you'd like. That's why I left the ending open for your own interpretation.

Was Gerard born crazy or did he become crazy?-

Gerard wasn't born mentally ill. The story is very confusing at the beginning I understand that but because of his mother being in this type of business and all, he grew mentally ill. Normal people wouldn't enjoy the sound of someone's hands being cut off. A normal person would think of the consequences before killing someone. Gerard just DID. he never thought. He was raised like that, he raised himself. It's not good for someone to raise themselves. I know form experience.

I'm confused what happened with Donna?-

Basically, after Gerard burned her place down, she stayed at motels in Washington state. She remembered having friends down the street a couple years later and those where the iero's. But she knew better than that. So she started selling drugs again back in California, when she was ready to approach the iero's about maybe renting out their basement they arrested her because they finally found the woman who had a drug tunnel from Mexico to cali.

What was my inspiration for this story?-

There's a show called Weeds. I based most of the ideas off from that show. I don't really know honestly. I didn't have a direct inspiration it's just when a story idea pops into my head I write it down and base my story off of that.

How come you never write happy endings?-

Simple, I do not know how. The reason why I write such dark stories where they characters are never together or happy is because I never know how to end it. I wasn't sure how to end Straight with a happy ending and I don't know how to end this with a happy ending. There isn't a way to end these stories with happy endings. It is how it is in my mind. As a great man once said, "everything is okay in the mind of a madman". Guess I'm just a madman 🤷🏼‍♀️

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