Chapter 15

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Hwasa's feet were hurting. The searching for her only hope for two hours had taken her last strength. She hadn't eaten anything the whole day. Despite the sweet temptations of the trays filled with delicious small treats, she did not dare to touch one of them, fearing the consequences. Mr. Kang had forbidden her to touch anything and anyone while being away and Hwasa had learned her lesson to obey his every command. She would break that rule once she finds her saviour but her hope remains that no one will see them, not even the wicked Lady Mr. Kang left her with, the head maid of his household.

Hwasa had slipped away from her grasp an hour ago already, yet she was sure she was still looking for her. She would be blamed if Mr. Kang came back. Would serve her right, Hwasa thought, but knew she couldn't allow that to happen. Her eyes wandered to the golden wristband the grumpy man at the entrance had put on her. She hadn't really understood what exactly it was but from the way Mr. Kang had threatened her with it, it only made sense that it was capable of hurting her, just like the other devices he had used on her before. There were enough bruises on her already.

But she needed to find Y/N, the girl her mind had predestined to her haven. Between the miserable conditions she had been living in and the hell she was living in now, Y/N had been the only person who cared and offered shelter. Never had she been embraced this kindly. Her warmth was not to be compared to any she had felt before. And Hwasa wanted to feel like that again. She wanted to feel save and cared for.

Her little black dress whipped up and down with her movements. Carefully she sidled through the masses, trying to not run into someone or be pushed by passers-bies. She didn't want to catch any unwanted attention. But a child would always attract the attention of sick people. They were helpless and weak, everyone would want to play with them. Hwasa didn't notice the side glances her way, nor the man who had started to follow her silently. His icy stare was fixed on her back as she looked around her, looking for something.

A shiver ran down her spine when his cold hand gripped her shoulder and she froze. Her feet came to a halt on the bright red carpet that suddenly reminded her of blood. Her eyes were still on the table only two meters away. They searched for the eyes of the girls sitting at that table, seeking for reassurance of some sort. One of the girls looked just like her, while the other was so different, but so enchanting. Her hair was black, just like hers, but her skin was darker than hers, way darker. But that wasn't what made her so different. This girl looked just like her mother when she left her.

Hwasa knew, that belly under the purple dress held a sibling. Maybe not hers, but a sibling to someone else. Just like her own mother, this girl was pregnant. But Hwasa noticed the golden rings adorning their wrists right away. In the end, Hwasa concluded, these girls were just like her, exactly like her. They weren't free. Instead, all of them were held captive against their will.

The girl with the dark skin finally looked her way as Hwasa still hasn't turned around to face whoever was stopping her from moving. She felt him kneel down, she felt his breath on the back of her hair and she felt his stare burning into her skull. But she didn't dare to glance behind her, afraid of what she would find. The girl in the purple dress noticed her discomfort but didn't stand up and come to save her. She looked just as afraid as Hwasa herself. It couldn't be Mr. Kang behind her, he would have already harshly turned her around and slapped her, hard.

Shaking, she glanced to where the cold hand was placed on her shoulder. She saw the sleeve of a black suit. It couldn't be Mr. Kang, he wore white. Gathering all her courage, Hwasa turned around and faced the man in black. It wasn't Mr. Kang behind her. But it wasn't a better person as her captor either. It was someone Hwasa feared to be more cruel and heartless, a man without regrets.

His name was Ikarus.

"Come with me little peasant. Mr. Pizarro wants to see you."

His hand that was just as cold as the rest of him grabbed her wrist harshly. His grip hurt, he knew that very well, but he could care less. Under the stares of the people surrounding them Ikarus pulled her with him, seeming to be unfazed by the attention they had attracted. Hwasa's helpless eyes searched for someone, anyone to rescue her but every pair of eyes stared back at her in either pity or apathy. Until one pair of eyes showed her a different expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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