Important Note For All Readers

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Please read until the end.

(it's been ages) 😱

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(it's been ages) 😱

It has been a long while since I updated this and my other story BME a very long while.
And firstly, I want to apologize for that. Many or some of you are waiting for me to continue and I keep on shattering your hopes with every week. I'm sorry, truly I am. I have written a similar note on Boy Meets Evil already.

I don't want to elaborate on why I am not frequently updating since a long time anymore and I most certainly don't want to bore you with excuses like depression and school. These two are problems I am dealing with, I'm almost done with school now and only have one final exam left to take and my sights for the future are very vague, leaving me behind as a torn person. But enough of this.

Let us move on to the actual reason for this note.

To lift possibly existing fears that I will announce the discontinuation of this story, I will not stop writing neither BME nor Sold.

However, there has been something that kept me thinking and questioning whether I should continue with this story or not. Though I find it hard to word my issue with this story I'll try my best to convey my thoughts in an understandable way.

Sold touches and resolves around very serious and dreadful topics: human trafficking and abuse. These are problems still existing and present as of today. When I first had the idea to this story, I had another, way less tangible image in mind but with planning and the process of writing it has evolved into a very concrete and comprehensible theme. We are facing systemic kidnapping, human auctions, child abuse and mistreatment, rape etc. By no means is this story dealing with innocent, normal or acceptable topics.

And I realized that bringing BTS into such a world that I have created and portraying them in the roles they represent in real life should not be correct. Even though this a fictional work and readers should be highly aware that I am not depicting a true picture of the group and their members, I feel that by placing the characters in their original role in such an environment I am portraying a very wrong image of them and maybe even placing a stigma onto their name. I don't think it is right to do so.

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that some readers take certain actions of the characters too lightly, especially when it's regarding the members. Sexual assault, rape and captivity are nothing one should enjoy and as I tried to explain above, in this fictional work the display of the members is not in the least accurate and wrong behavior should not be accepted or glorified. I realize that people are aware of this and jokingly comment in such a way but it could still be taken seriously by other readers, especially younger ones. (even though I labeled this story mature but okay.. 🤷‍♀️ what can I do about it?)

Now even with my issues with this book, I'm sure whether I should continue or not. Many of you seem to enjoy this story and want me to continue, so I feel obligated to comply. I could delete this story whole but I won't, don't worry? :)

Please assure me that even after listening to my thoughts about this story and the points that I have made you want me to continue or not. The next chapter is almost done, it got deleted three times by wattpad but I'd be willing to update if it is what my lovely readers want.

Lastly, and perhaps as a little reward for reading this far, I want to make an announcement. I have been working on a lot of new stories during the time I haven't been active. In the future I hope to publish a series of stories for each member, in a set order that I'm sure is already obvious. The themes differ very much, from ghosts to mafia to futuristic apocalypses I'll deal with everything. But my first priority is to write not an adventure in this series, that's second, but more importantly a love story. A good one. So for people who are not looking forward to romance and prefer the major adventures, I'm sorry to disappoint.

But, before I do that, I have created something else. This work is very important to me and I share a deep connection and affection for it. The concept is very well wrought I like to believe and has a deep meaning. So for everyone who likes to theorize, it's good material. Every story is an own story by itself and be read without the others if prologue and epilogue are ignored, however to understand the whole story, it is crucial to read them all.

So without further ado,

Coming Soon: The Sister Trilogy

Part I: Stained Innocence

Part II: Purple Bullets

Part III: Blood Bond

Thank you for reading what I had to say and anticipate the new story coming up soon. The introduction will be be posted and uploaded shortly. Please understand that I am not a perfect human being and thst I have my own problems and imperfections to deal with and work on. I'll work hard to improve. Thank you again for reading this story, it means a lot to me.

Also, stream Fake Love and listen to the Love Yourself: Tear album! 💜

Love you all 🌸

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