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I started with the ball as I dribbled it toward the basket.
Yoongi slapped the ball out of my hand as I stood there shocked.
"Bitch!"I muttered as I tried to mark Jungkook.
"Why the hell are they so fast?"I asked myself.
Taehyung dribbled the ball as I shouted towards him
"Taehyung here"
He through the ball however Han-uel jumped in front of me intercepting the ball in mid-air.


I sighed grabbing the ball and started to dribble to the end of the court as I shot the ball in the basket.


I passed the ball to Taehyung as he took a full court shot.


I intercepted the ball in mid air as I took a half court shot.


One more shot,Yohan.

I sprinted towards the ball as namjoon passes it to jimin.

I slapped the ball out of Jimin's small hands and took a shot.


I dropped on the floor as sweat crept up my forehead.

"Here"Jimin passed me a bottle of water and a towel.
"Thanks"I replied.
"Good game"Han-uel said as I hugged her.

"Let's go home,Guys we have school"Sarah said as she picked up her bag.

We all walked to our apartment complex,They live right under us which means that it wasn't a big deal for them to go back to there apartment late.

"See the new transfer students at school"Han-uel winked at Taehyung.

I cringed as I pushed her back into the apartment.

I dressed into Pj's and brushed my teeth as Han-uel was out of the shower.
I climbed inside the bedsheets.
"Night"I shouted to Han-uel and Sarah.

"Night "they both said in unison.


"Ugggh"I sighed rolling out of bed.
Before I hit the floor I felt a pair of hands pick me up.
"Your still clumsy aren't you?"Sarah laughed at me brushed her hair.

"Get ready where meeting the boys in half an hour"She said patting my head.

I picked up my uniform and headed to the shower.

After taking a hot shower I wrapped my body in a towel and headed to the bedroom to get changed.

"Why do I always look like a dead zombie?"I asked myself.

I let my long pink hair down and brushed it.


I walked towards the mirror and pulled down my skirt to reasonable height.

"Hello!!!!"Jungkook said as I collapsed on the coach.
"Yo"I said calmly staring into nowhere.
"I'm hungry"I said as I walked towards the fridge.
"Mhmm food,"I patted my chin as I overwhelmed with all the options.
"Cereal bar"I thought out loud as I picked up a chocolate bar and plopped onto the coach.

"Morning beautiful"Taehyung said wrapping his arms around my waist as his chin rested in my shoulders.

"Morning"I smiled as I placed the wrapper in the bin.

"You look cute with that tie"I teased as I pulled his tie tight.

"There you go all perfect for the first day of school"I said as I fixed his blazer.

"We need to leave now or we will be late for school"Namjoon said.

"There is a lot of things for me to explain about this school.First,don't dare to talk to the popular boys.Second,If Esme speaks to you ignore her.Lastly,your staying with me"I said as I put my arm around his shoulder.

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