Dear Hoseok,

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Dear Hoseok,
I never understood you Hoseok,
It's like you have four moods that change every minute,
Your usually happy,crying,screaming or just completely cute.
(But it's usually screaming)
You always like to give me a mini heart attack every time you see me .
I miss when you where scared to go into my apartment because you thought there where ghosts.
I miss your hyper rushes when you just stand up in the living room and start to dance uncontrollably.
You never failed to make me laugh,honestly none of you ever failed to make me laugh.
I miss the times we would tease you because you looked like a horse or when Taehyung couldn't stop imitating you when you saw a snake.
Every time someone says your name I can see your face on the sun.
Thank your for being my favorite sunflower in the world.
-from the girl who nearly died 100 times from your screams.

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