School prt 1

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"So here is the school,it's quite big but we have the worst reputation."I said as I did a happy spin.
"Not bad"Hosoek nodded as he looked around.
I was there assigned tour guide of the day which wasn't bad as I had all my classes with them.
"And here is our hideout"I pointed to the edge of the field.Nothing special if you don't find me I am usually under the oak tree."
"That's how we all met"

"Hey!"I heard a familiar sound coming from the corridor.
I looked behind me and saw her.
"Kristen!"I ran as I hugged her.
"Long time no see,sis"She said as I embraced her tightly.
"I missed you like hell and you decided to leave last year and leave me by myself"I said as I smacked her on her head.
"Sorry "
She looked at the corridor as seven hot boys looked at us.
"Ooh who are that hot boy"she slowly walked towards Jungkook.
She poked jungkook in the chest and innocently curled his hair.

"I dare you Kristen,Your still fuck girl" I said as I slapped her hand out of Jungkook's chest.
"He's too innocent for you"

"Let's go"I said as I pushed all seven towards the exit of the school.
We all had a free period so I decided to treat them with sushi.

"Look"I shouted to get there attention.
"Last advice of the hour,don't you dare get into Kristen's game she will eat you alive Jungkook"
I pointed at jungkook as he gave me his sad puppy eyes.
"I'm not joking when I mean she will eat you alive"

"Wait is she your sister?"Taehyung asked.
"She's my cousin but she's was always by my side after my sister left to Paris"I lowered my head so they wouldn't see my tears running down my face.

"The sushi shop is across the street"I pointed as we crossed the road.

At the sushi store:

"こんにちは、寿司を8個買えますか?"I said to the old lady.

"どんなタイプの寿司?"she asked.
"Can we get all sake sushi's please"
She nodded politely and left to the kitchen.

I turned around to see seven boys jaws dropped unto the floor.


"H-How d-o yo-u know J-aps-nese"Namjoon stuttered.
"I learnt fluent Japenese from Kristen and fluent Chinese from Sarah"I said.
"So you know Korean,Japanese,Chinese and English?"He asked.

"あなたの寿司は準備が整いました。"She shouted towards me.

"ありがとうございました"I said as I bowed.

"Let's eat"I said as I pointed to a free table.

"Oh I know Chinese."Jin said proudly.
"Challenge me then"I confidently replied.
"Okay,你好,我的爱好是什么?Jin asked.
"我的爱好是上网"i answered back.
"That's no fair because it's easy"he said in a sad tone.
"But it's true"
"So do you know we do Chinese at school"
"No"they all said in unison.
"Please help us we are really bad"they begged.
"Sure then,if you need help just knock on my apartment"I said as I stuffed a while a sushi in my mouth.

Half an hour past and we all just sat there eating sushi and talking.

I answered the phone call.
"Where the hell are you,you need to be back in 15 minutes because we have some assembly thing"Yohan shouted on the phone which made me flinch.

"Okay okay where be there in 10 minutes"I said.

"We need to go before Jimin's Girlfriend kills me"

"W-wai"before he could speak Jin stuffed two sushi's in his mouth.

We all grabbed our bags and left.

"Stick with us in the assembly because 1,000 people would be there "
They all nodded there head and walked into the school.

"There you are!If you didn't come any second I would have chopped all your heads off!"Yohan shouted.

"Your girlfriend is really stubborn"Hoseok whispered into Jimin's ear.

"Lets go"
She grabbed Han-Uel's hand and dragged her to the assembly hall.

"Let's go to the back,there is 10 seats over there"
"Just don't let Jungkook sit next to the leech"I said.
"Oh fuck she's back"Yohan said surprisingly.
"What do you mean leech?"Jungkook asked.
"Don't worry your too innocent"I said patting his back.

The boys are over protective over Jungkook as he is the maknae.They don't allow him to do may things that includes drinking or girls most of the time.

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