Dear friends,

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Dear all of my beloved friends
Please read this with everyone together
I miss you,
When you will be reading this I will be on tour in Europe,
leaving you hurts more than a break up.
Sometimes you meet people that are clearly on some level belong together.As lovers,or as friends or as family.It just works,if you understand each other or love each other or even are partners in crime.You meet these people throughout your life out of nowhere under strange circumstances.They help you to feel alive,to open my eyes and see the real world.To see the true side of people.
I have met these people:Jungkook,Taehyung,Yoongi,Jimin,Seokjin,Namjoon,Hoseok,Yohan and Sarah.
I will never forget you my partners in crime.I will see you frequently and visit you in your graduation.We will grow up as adults and our children would be best friends.And when we die we will all be Ghosties and scare our enemies.
-from your partner in crime Han-uel.

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