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We arrived at our destination.
"Hello manager-nim"we bowed.
"Hello girls,today you are all going to get split and go to different destinations."He said.
"Sarah you are going to a street food market and Yohan your staying at the beach"He pointed.
"You are going a private pool"he pointed at me.
We all said our goodbyes and parted our separate ways.

I sat in the van and stared at the window.
"What are you wearing?"My designer told me as she tugged my shirt.
"Something that doesn't feel like I am wrapped in tinfoil"I said.
"At least this time you are wearing a bikini"she said.
"Ah Kim lee you are so annoying"I rolled my eyes.
She laughed.
"Here we are the driver said.
We both thanked him and stepped into a massive hotel.
Kim lee walked up to the reception and I decided to wait for her next to the counter.
"Lets go"
I walked towards her and grabbed the lift.
"213 215-Ah 216!"
She pointed to the room.
We walked in and oh Lord this wasn't a hotel.
"Sit down we need to start right away"
I sat down and she examined my face.
"Okay,wear this red bikini then come straight back so I can do your hair and makeup"
I walked into the bathroom and changed.
I looked at myself in the mirror.
"Wow I really look like a raccoon"I muttered.
I opened the door and sat on the vanity chair.
"Good Job that you dyed your hair blonde so I didn't have to do it"
She patted my back and searched for the right shade of foundation.

She applied the foundation and the concealer.
"I should do a smokey eye so your eyes don't look like you haven't slept for ten years"She said.
She started to apply the eyeshadow.
"Ah!"I screamed.
"Can you not apply eyeshadow without blinding me!"I said.
"This child"she said annoyingly.
"There you go!Now let me do your hair"
She pulled out a hair iron and started to straighten my hair.
"Aren't you going to put my hair in a ponytail or something?"I asked.
"No your going to swim which means your going to be wet and ponytails and water don't mix well"She pointed out.
"Why couldn't I get the street food market at least I can eat some dumplings"I hissed.
She rolled her eyes.
"There you go all set!"
"Now go meet the guy your shooting with"she pushed me out the door.
"GUY?"I screamed.
"I'm basically naked"
I rushed to the door to get my sweater and quickly ran out.

"You have 20 minutes to mingle and then you need to meet us in the pool on the rooftop."Kim lee said.
She smirked and left me.
"Thanks"I muttered and knocked on the door.
"Come in"
I walked into the massive room .
"Your the girl"
"Ah!"I screamed not realizing he was behind me.
"Yah why does everyone like to scare me?"
"Sorry"He chuckled.
"My name is Min Seok just call me Xiumin"He said.
"Oh,my name is Han-uel"
I bowed.
"Are you Korean?"I asked curiously.
"No but I know Chinese"he said proudly as he jumped on the coach.
"Yeah same"I said.
"Are you a full time model?"I asked.
"No,we are just signed to the agency"I said.
"What do you mean 'we'?"he said.
"Oh,me and my two best friends"I said.
He nodded.
"We need to go"he said and left the room.
I walked behind him and we went into the elevator.

"Ah there you are!"Kim lee screamed.
I rolled my eyes and walked towards her.
"Take your sweatshirt of and start the shoot,your starting first ,Xiumin will go second and then you both will need to shoot together.
"Great Han-uel I'm going to get roasted by Taehyung after this,thanks Manager-nim!"I muttered to my self.

I took of my sweatshirt and started the shoot.
"Okay....YES POSE!"she started to scream.
"Smile"The camera man said.
"Ah good now bite your lip and look up"Kim lee said.

1 hour past:
"Rest now its Xiumin's turn"The camera man said.
I picked up my sweatshirt and sat next to Kim Lee.

Xiumin took of his shirt and placed it on the side.
"AHHH!"I screamed and put my hands over my eyes.
They all chuckled and I sat there not giving him eye contact.
"Why Kim Lee,I just wanted to eat some Chinese food in the market and I get this"I whispered in her ear.
"Yah!at least you can see him"she pointed at Xiumin.
"Yah I have a boyfriend"I sighed.
"Make yourself feel better by saying that"she patted her back.

"You don't believe me?"I asked in disbelief.
She shook her head.
My jaw dropped in disbelief.
"Okay Han-Uel get up!"the camera man said.
Kim Lee pushed me up.
I hissed at her as I took my sweatshirt off and headed next to Xiumin.

"Nearer!"the camera man said.
So I stepped a centimeter closer.
"I feel comfortable here"I said.
"Your a meter away from him Han-uel!"Kim Lee shouted.
I felt a force push me and I hit his chest.
"Ah!"I yelped.
"I'm sorry"he whispered in my ear.
"Okay put your hand on his chest and look back"Kim lee said.
"I hate this so much"I muttered.
I obeyed and looked back.
"Okay we just need one photo of you two in the pool"The man said..
"YAH-in the pool?"I asked.
"Just get in it will take 5 minutes"he said.
I rolled my eyes and entered the pool.
"Why is it so cold?"I asked.
"Do you think i manage the pool to ask me?"Xiumin said.
"Calm yourself before I slap you"I said.
"Okay 1...2..3"
I posed one more time.
"Perfect!"Kim Lee screamed.
"Finally"I sighed.
We separated and left to our rooms.
"Kim Lee come here right now!"I screamed.
I hit her on the shoulder.
"Yah!Han-Uel that hurts"she faked cried.
I rolled my eyes and changed .
"Lets go before I kill everyone on this hotel."
We walked out and headed to the van.
"Kim Lee "I said to get her attention.
"What's going to happen to the photos?"I asked.
"Oh yes they are going on a magazine"she answered.
"I'm fucked"I shouted.
"What magazine?"
"Oh I think it's called SMtown magazine or something"
"Okay I'm just going to every store and buying them so nobody can see them"I muttered .
"We are here"the driver said.
I thanked him and thanked Kim lee for this dreadful experience.
"Bye"she said with her posh voice.
I forced a smile and waved back.

I walked into the apartment.
"Hello?"I shouted.
There was no answer.
"Let me just go and explore this place"I thought.

I walked out of the house and started to walk.
I passed many shops and restaurants.
"Let me get some ice cream "I thought.

I sat in a spare booth.
"SM TOWN?sounds familiar"I muttered.
I am so fucked!
My brother is in SM town.
"God can I just disappear in thin air?"I said.
"Sorry?" A teenage boy said.
"What?"I said.
"Can I sit with you,there is no free booths"he pointed out.
"Yeah sure"I said.

"Sorry, my name is Kyung ski"he said.
"Oh,my name is Han-uel"I said.

The cafe bell rang.
I looked up to reveal seven boys.
"Yah!BAEKHYUN!KAI? XIUMIN?"I screamed.
They stood there frozen.
"What?"they all said.
I stood up and looked straight at his eyes.
"Baekhyun!What are you doing here?"I asked.
"What are YOU doing here?"he asked.

I hissed and gave him the death glare.
"Can anybody explain?"Kyungsoo asked.
"Baekhyun is my brother and Kai is my best friends brother and XIUMIN is the person I had the photoshoot with."I said.

"OMG YOU LOOK SO ALIKE!"Sehun screamed.

"That's why your name is so familiar"D.o said.
"Is Yohan here?"Kai asked.
"Yes,when did you care?"I asked.
He flicked my forehead.
"Yah!"I flinched.
"Your really close aren't you?"Suho asked.
We all nodded our heads.
"Why don't you stay for the night?"I asked.
"Our beach house has 12 bedrooms"I pointed out.
"Why not?"Baekhyun said.
They all nodded there heads.
"Deal!"I said happily.

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